Project OpenGeode
class AABBTree
class AABBTree
class AABBTree
public void AABBTree<dimension>(const AABBTree<dimension> & )
public void AABBTree<dimension>(const AABBTree<dimension> & )
public AABBTree<dimension> & operator=(const AABBTree<dimension> & )
public AABBTree<dimension> & operator=(const AABBTree<dimension> & )
public void AABBTree<dimension>()
public void AABBTree<dimension>()
brief AABB is a search tree for fast spatial request using the bounding box organisation of elements stored in a single container.
bboxes container containing elements bounding boxes. Each element can then be accessed using the index of its box in the tree which should match the index in its initial container.
public void AABBTree<dimension>(absl::Span<const BoundingBox<dimension> > bboxes)
public void AABBTree<dimension>(absl::Span<const BoundingBox<dimension> > bboxes)
public void AABBTree<dimension>(AABBTree<dimension> && other)
public void AABBTree<dimension>(AABBTree<dimension> && other)
public void ~AABBTree<dimension>()
public void ~AABBTree<dimension>()
public AABBTree<dimension> & operator=(AABBTree<dimension> && other)
public AABBTree<dimension> & operator=(AABBTree<dimension> && other)
public index_t nb_bboxes()
public index_t nb_bboxes()
brief Gets the number of boxes in the lower level of the aabb tree.
note This value should match the initial size of the container that store all objects to organize the the aabb tree.
public const BoundingBox<dimension> & bounding_box()
public const BoundingBox<dimension> & bounding_box()
public vector containing_boxes(const Point<dimension> & query)
public vector containing_boxes(const Point<dimension> & query)
brief Gets all the boxes containing a point
query [in] the point to test
public tuple closest_element_box(const Point<dimension> & query, const EvalDistance & action)
public tuple closest_element_box(const Point<dimension> & query, const EvalDistance & action)
brief Gets the closest element to a point
query [in] the point to test
action [in] the functor to compute the distance between the p and the tree element in boxes
return a tuple containing: - the index of the closest element/box. - the nearest point on the element in box. - the distance between the p and p
EvalDistance this functor should have an operator() defined like this: double operator()( const Point< dimension >& query, index_t curent_element_box ) const ; the output is the distance between the point p and the element stored in thep
note if several elements box match the distance computation, then one of them will be randomly returned.
public void compute_bbox_element_bbox_intersections(const BoundingBox<dimension> & box, EvalIntersection & action)
public void compute_bbox_element_bbox_intersections(const BoundingBox<dimension> & box, EvalIntersection & action)
brief Computes the intersections between a given box and the all element boxes.
box [in] the box to test
action [in] The functor to run when an element box intersectsp
EvalIntersection this functor should have an operator() defined like this: bool operator()( index_t cur_element_box ) ;
note The returned boolean indicates if the search should stop or continue. Return true to stop the search, false to continue.
note the operator define what to do with the box p if it is intersected by the p
public void compute_self_element_bbox_intersections(EvalIntersection & action)
public void compute_self_element_bbox_intersections(EvalIntersection & action)
brief Computes the self intersections of the element boxes.
action [in] The functor to run when two boxes intersect
EvalIntersection this functor should have an operator() defined like this: bool operator()( index_t cur_element_box1, index_t cur_element_box2 );
note cur_element_box1 and cur_element_box2 are the element box indices that intersect.
note the operator defines what to do when two boxes of the tree ( p and p ) intersect each other (for example: test real intersection between each element in boxes and store the result.)
note The returned boolean indicates if the search should stop or continue. Return true to stop the search, false to continue.
public void compute_other_element_bbox_intersections(const AABBTree<dimension> & other_tree, EvalIntersection & action)
public void compute_other_element_bbox_intersections(const AABBTree<dimension> & other_tree, EvalIntersection & action)
brief Computes all the intersections of the element boxes between this tree and another one.
action [in] The functor to run when two boxes intersect
EvalIntersection this functor should have an operator() defined like this: bool operator()( index_t cur_element_box1, index_t cur_element_box2 );
note cur_element_box1 and cur_element_box2 are the element box indices that intersect in the current tree and in the other tree.
note The returned boolean indicates if the search should stop or continue. Return true to stop the search, false to continue.
public void compute_ray_element_bbox_intersections(const Ray<dimension> & ray, EvalIntersection & action)
public void compute_ray_element_bbox_intersections(const Ray<dimension> & ray, EvalIntersection & action)
brief Computes the intersections between a given ray and all element boxes.
ray [in] The ray to test.
action [in] The functor to run when a box is intersected by the ray.
EvalIntersection this functor should have an operator() defined like this: bool operator()( index_t cur_element_box ) ;
note the operator define what to do with the box p if it is intersected by the p
note The returned boolean indicates if the search should stop or continue. Return true to stop the search, false to continue.
public void compute_line_element_bbox_intersections(const InfiniteLine<dimension> & line, EvalIntersection & action)
public void compute_line_element_bbox_intersections(const InfiniteLine<dimension> & line, EvalIntersection & action)
brief Computes the intersections between a given infinite line and all element boxes.
line [in] The line to test.
action [in] The functor to run when a box is intersected by the line.
EvalIntersection this functor should have an operator() defined like this: bool operator()( index_t cur_element_box ) ;
note the operator define what to do with the box p if it is intersected by the p
note The returned boolean indicates if the search should stop or continue. Return true to stop the search, false to continue.
public void compute_segment_element_bbox_intersections(const Segment<dimension> & segment, EvalIntersection & action)
public void compute_segment_element_bbox_intersections(const Segment<dimension> & segment, EvalIntersection & action)
brief Computes the intersections between a given Segment and all element boxes.
segment [in] The segment to test.
action [in] The functor to run when a box is intersected by the segment.
EvalIntersection this functor should have an operator() defined like this: bool operator()( index_t cur_element_box ) ;
note the operator define what to do with the box p if it is intersected by the p
note The returned boolean indicates if the search should stop or continue. Return true to stop the search, false to continue.
public void compute_triangle_element_bbox_intersections(const Triangle<dimension> & triangle, EvalIntersection & action)
public void compute_triangle_element_bbox_intersections(const Triangle<dimension> & triangle, EvalIntersection & action)
brief Computes the intersections between a given Triangle and all element boxes.
triangle [in] The triangle to test.
action [in] The functor to run when a box is intersected by the segment.
EvalIntersection this functor should have an operator() defined like this: bool operator()( index_t cur_element_box ) ;
note the operator define what to do with the box p if it is intersected by the p
note The returned boolean indicates if the search should stop or continue. Return true to stop the search, false to continue.