Project OpenGeode
class SurfaceMesh
Inherits from VertexSet, CoordinateReferenceSystemManagers<2U>
Inherits from VertexSet, CoordinateReferenceSystemManagers<2U>
public double polygon_area(index_t polygon_id)
public double polygon_area(index_t polygon_id)
class SurfaceMesh
This class represents a Surface made up with polygons (triangles, quads, ...) of arbitrary dimension and provides mesh functionnalities.
Inherits from VertexSet, CoordinateReferenceSystemManagers<dimension>
Inherits from VertexSet, CoordinateReferenceSystemManagers<dimension>
public void SurfaceMesh<>(const SurfaceMesh<> & )
public void SurfaceMesh<>(const SurfaceMesh<> & )
public SurfaceMesh<> & operator=(const SurfaceMesh<> & )
public SurfaceMesh<> & operator=(const SurfaceMesh<> & )
public void ~SurfaceMesh<>()
public void ~SurfaceMesh<>()
public std::unique_ptr<SurfaceMesh<dimension> > create()
public std::unique_ptr<SurfaceMesh<dimension> > create()
Create a new SurfaceMesh using default data structure.
public std::unique_ptr<SurfaceMesh<dimension> > create(const MeshImpl & impl)
public std::unique_ptr<SurfaceMesh<dimension> > create(const MeshImpl & impl)
Create a new SurfaceMesh using a specified data structure.
impl [in] Data structure implementation
public std::unique_ptr<SurfaceMesh<dimension> > clone()
public std::unique_ptr<SurfaceMesh<dimension> > clone()
public index_t nb_polygons()
public index_t nb_polygons()
public bool is_vertex_isolated(index_t vertex_id)
public bool is_vertex_isolated(index_t vertex_id)
public local_index_t nb_polygon_vertices(index_t polygon_id)
public local_index_t nb_polygon_vertices(index_t polygon_id)
Return the number of vertices in a polygon
public local_index_t nb_polygon_edges(index_t polygon_id)
public local_index_t nb_polygon_edges(index_t polygon_id)
Return the number of edges in a polygon
public index_t polygon_vertex(const PolygonVertex & polygon_vertex)
public index_t polygon_vertex(const PolygonVertex & polygon_vertex)
Return the index in the mesh of a local vertex in a polygon
polygon_vertex [in] Local index of vertex in polygon
public InlinedVector polygon_vertices(index_t polygon_id)
public InlinedVector polygon_vertices(index_t polygon_id)
Return all the indices in the mesh of polygon vertices.
polygon_id [in] Index of polygon.
public std::optional<local_index_t> vertex_in_polygon(index_t polygon_id, index_t vertex_id)
public std::optional<local_index_t> vertex_in_polygon(index_t polygon_id, index_t vertex_id)
Return the local index in the polygon of a vertex in the mesh.
polygon_id [in] Index of polygon.
vertex_id [in] Index of a vertex in the mesh.
return Index in [0,nb_polygon_vertices()[ if polygon is around the given vertex
public Polygon<dimension> polygon(index_t polygon_id)
public Polygon<dimension> polygon(index_t polygon_id)
public index_t polygon_edge_vertex(const PolygonEdge & polygon_edge, local_index_t vertex_id)
public index_t polygon_edge_vertex(const PolygonEdge & polygon_edge, local_index_t vertex_id)
Return the index in the mesh of a given polygon edge vertex.
polygon_edge [in] Local index of edge in a polygon.
vertex_id [in] Local index of vertex in the edge (0 or 1).
public array polygon_edge_vertices(const PolygonEdge & polygon_edge)
public array polygon_edge_vertices(const PolygonEdge & polygon_edge)
Return the indices in the mesh of the two polygon edge vertices.
polygon_edge [in] Local index of edge in a polygon.
public PolygonVertex next_polygon_vertex(const PolygonVertex & polygon_vertex)
public PolygonVertex next_polygon_vertex(const PolygonVertex & polygon_vertex)
Return the next vertex in a polygon (local indexation)
polygon_vertex [in] Local index of vertex in polygon
public PolygonVertex previous_polygon_vertex(const PolygonVertex & polygon_vertex)
public PolygonVertex previous_polygon_vertex(const PolygonVertex & polygon_vertex)
Return the previous vertex in a polygon (local indexation)
polygon_vertex [in] Local index of vertex in polygon
public PolygonEdge next_polygon_edge(const PolygonEdge & polygon_edge)
public PolygonEdge next_polygon_edge(const PolygonEdge & polygon_edge)
Return the next edge in a polygon (local indexation)
polygon_edge [in] Local index of edge in polygon
public PolygonEdge previous_polygon_edge(const PolygonEdge & polygon_edge)
public PolygonEdge previous_polygon_edge(const PolygonEdge & polygon_edge)
Return the previous edge in a polygon (local indexation)
polygon_edge [in] Local index of edge in polygon
public optional polygon_adjacent(const PolygonEdge & polygon_edge)
public optional polygon_adjacent(const PolygonEdge & polygon_edge)
Return the index of the polygon adjacent through an edge.
polygon_edge [in] Local index of edge in polygon.
return the index of the adjacent polygon if it exists.
public optional polygon_adjacent_edge(const PolygonEdge & polygon_edge)
public optional polygon_adjacent_edge(const PolygonEdge & polygon_edge)
Return the index of the edge of the adjacent polygon through which polygons are adjacent.
polygon_edge [in] Local index of edge in polygon.
return the index of the adjacent polygon edge if it exists.
public bool is_vertex_on_border(index_t vertex_id)
public bool is_vertex_on_border(index_t vertex_id)
Return true if the vertex is on border, i.e. if there are polygons around this vertex and on the border.
vertex_id [in] Index the vertex.
public bool is_edge_on_border(const PolygonEdge & polygon_edge)
public bool is_edge_on_border(const PolygonEdge & polygon_edge)
Return true if the edge is on border, i.e. if the polygon has no adjacent through the specified edge.
polygon_edge [in] Local index of edge in polygon.
public bool is_polygon_on_border(index_t polygon_id)
public bool is_polygon_on_border(index_t polygon_id)
Return true if at least one of the polygon edges is on border
polygon_id [in] Index of a polygon
public PolygonEdgesOnBorder polygon_edges_on_border(index_t polygon_id)
public PolygonEdgesOnBorder polygon_edges_on_border(index_t polygon_id)
Return all the edges of a polygon that are on border
polygon_id [in] Index of a polygon
public PolygonEdge next_on_border(const PolygonEdge & polygon_edge)
public PolygonEdge next_on_border(const PolygonEdge & polygon_edge)
Return the next edge on the border (local indexation).
polygon_edge [in] Local index of edge in a polygon.
pre The given polygon edge should be on border.
public PolygonEdge previous_on_border(const PolygonEdge & polygon_edge)
public PolygonEdge previous_on_border(const PolygonEdge & polygon_edge)
Return the previous edge on the border (local indexation).
polygon_edge [in] Local index of edge in a polygon.
pre The given polygon edge should be on border.
public double edge_length(const PolygonEdge & polygon_edge)
public double edge_length(const PolygonEdge & polygon_edge)
Return the length of a given edge.
polygon_edge [in] Local index of edge in a polygon.
public double edge_length(const std::array<index_t, 2> & polygon_edge_vertices)
public double edge_length(const std::array<index_t, 2> & polygon_edge_vertices)
public Point<dimension> edge_barycenter(const PolygonEdge & polygon_edge)
public Point<dimension> edge_barycenter(const PolygonEdge & polygon_edge)
Return the coordinates of the barycenter of a given edge.
polygon_edge [in] Local index of edge in a polygon.
public Point<dimension> edge_barycenter(const std::array<index_t, 2> & polygon_edge_vertices)
public Point<dimension> edge_barycenter(const std::array<index_t, 2> & polygon_edge_vertices)
public Point<dimension> polygon_barycenter(index_t polygon_id)
public Point<dimension> polygon_barycenter(index_t polygon_id)
Return the barycenter of a polygon
polygon_id [in] Index of a polygon
public double polygon_area(index_t polygon_id)
public double polygon_area(index_t polygon_id)
Return the area of a polygon.
polygon_id [in] Index of a polygon.
warning Result guaranteed only for convex polygon.
public typename std::enable_if<T == 3, optional<Vector3D> >::type polygon_normal(index_t polygon_id)
public typename std::enable_if<T == 3, optional<Vector3D> >::type polygon_normal(index_t polygon_id)
Return the normal of a polygon
public typename std::enable_if<T == 3, optional<Vector3D> >::type polygon_vertex_normal(index_t vertex_id)
public typename std::enable_if<T == 3, optional<Vector3D> >::type polygon_vertex_normal(index_t vertex_id)
Return the normal at a polygon vertex
public bool is_polygon_degenerated(index_t polygon_id)
public bool is_polygon_degenerated(index_t polygon_id)
Return if a polygon is degenerated (means stands into an epsilon-large segment)
public VerticesAroundVertex vertices_around_vertex(index_t vertex_id)
public VerticesAroundVertex vertices_around_vertex(index_t vertex_id)
Returns the vertices linked by an edge to the given mesh vertex.
public const PolygonsAroundVertex & polygons_around_vertex(index_t vertex_id)
public const PolygonsAroundVertex & polygons_around_vertex(index_t vertex_id)
Get all the polygons with one of the vertices matching given vertex.
vertex_id [in] Index of the vertex.
pre This function needs that polygon adjacencies are computed
public const PolygonsAroundVertex & polygons_around_vertex(const PolygonVertex & vertex)
public const PolygonsAroundVertex & polygons_around_vertex(const PolygonVertex & vertex)
Get all the polygons with one of the vertices matching given vertex.
polygon_vertex [in] Local index of vertex in polygon.
pre This function needs that polygon adjacencies are computed
public optional polygon_edge_from_vertices(index_t from_vertex_id, index_t to_vertex_id)
public optional polygon_edge_from_vertices(index_t from_vertex_id, index_t to_vertex_id)
Find the polygon edge corresponding to an ordered pair of vertex indices.
from_vertex_id [in] Index of the vertex from which starts the edge
to_vertex_id [in] Index of the vertex to which ends the edge
return Local index if the edge is found.
public InlinedVector polygons_from_edge_vertices(Span edge_vertices)
public InlinedVector polygons_from_edge_vertices(Span edge_vertices)
Find the polygon edges corresponding to a pair of vertex indices.
return Local indices of the edges found
public bool are_edges_enabled()
public bool are_edges_enabled()
public void enable_edges()
public void enable_edges()
public void disable_edges()
public void disable_edges()
public const SurfaceEdges<dimension> & edges()
public const SurfaceEdges<dimension> & edges()
public AttributeManager & polygon_attribute_manager()
public AttributeManager & polygon_attribute_manager()
Access to the manager of attributes associated with polygons.
public TextureManager2D texture_manager()
public TextureManager2D texture_manager()
public BoundingBox<dimension> bounding_box()
public BoundingBox<dimension> bounding_box()
Compute the bounding box from mesh vertices
public optional polygon_around_vertex(index_t vertex_id)
public optional polygon_around_vertex(index_t vertex_id)
Return one polygon with one of the vertices matching given vertex.
vertex_id [in] Index of the vertex.
public void associate_polygon_vertex_to_vertex(const PolygonVertex & polygon_vertex, index_t vertex_id, SurfaceMeshKey )
public void associate_polygon_vertex_to_vertex(const PolygonVertex & polygon_vertex, index_t vertex_id, SurfaceMeshKey )
public void reset_polygons_around_vertex(index_t vertex_id, SurfaceMeshKey )
public void reset_polygons_around_vertex(index_t vertex_id, SurfaceMeshKey )
public SurfaceEdges<dimension> & edges(SurfaceMeshKey )
public SurfaceEdges<dimension> & edges(SurfaceMeshKey )
public void copy_edges(const SurfaceMesh<dimension> & surface_mesh, SurfaceMeshKey )
public void copy_edges(const SurfaceMesh<dimension> & surface_mesh, SurfaceMeshKey )
protected void SurfaceMesh<>()
protected void SurfaceMesh<>()
protected void SurfaceMesh<>(SurfaceMesh<> && other)
protected void SurfaceMesh<>(SurfaceMesh<> && other)
protected SurfaceMesh<> & operator=(SurfaceMesh<> && other)
protected SurfaceMesh<> & operator=(SurfaceMesh<> && other)
class SurfaceMesh
Inherits from VertexSet, CoordinateReferenceSystemManagers<3U>
Inherits from VertexSet, CoordinateReferenceSystemManagers<3U>
public double polygon_area(index_t polygon_id)
public double polygon_area(index_t polygon_id)