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How to compile OpenGeode

What do you need


OpenGeode is supported and continuously tested on several platforms:

  • Windows - Visual Studio 2017
  • Ubuntu 18.04
  • RHEL 7 / CentOS 7

Pre-compiled binaries on these platforms are also provided. This page describes where to download these binaries.

Development tools


OpenGeode comes with a CMake configuration file. You can modify three items:

  • CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE: choose build configuration (Release, Debug). By default Release.
  • OPENGEODE_WITH_TESTS: switch on/off the OpenGeode test environment.
  • OPENGEODE_WITH_PYTHON: switch on/off the OpenGeode Python binding (see this page for usage).

Your version of CMake should be at least 3.14.


On Windows, we recommend using Visual Studio 15 2017. On Linux, you can use gcc/g++ as a compiler. You need a version equal to or higher than 4.8.


You need git to clone OpenGeode's dependency repositories during configuration.

OpenGeode configuration and compilation

The configuration and compilation of OpenGeode are very simple. They can be achieved in a few steps depending on your platform.

On Windows


  1. Launch CMake interface.
  2. Set where is the OpenGeode source code and where to build the binaries as path/to/OpenGeode/build.
  3. Choose your configuration options. Take care to choose as the current generator Visual Studio 15 2017.
  4. Launch the configure and generate option.


  1. Click on Open Project in the CMake interface. It opens Visual Studio 2017 and the generated solution.
  2. Build the solution.

That's all! You are ready to work with OpenGeode.

On Linux


  1. Open a terminal where is the OpenGeode source code.
  2. Create a build directory: mkdir build; cd build.
  3. Run cmake:
    • cmake .. for default configuration or
    • ccmake .. or
    • cmake-gui .. to modify configuration options.


  1. Run make command in the build directory.

Now you are ready to work with OpenGeode.

Geode-solutions' documentation website