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In this guide, you will learn fundamental elements to understand and manipulate OpenGeode data model for geometric models. One of OpenGeode central classes is BRep. Let's use this class as an example.

data model 1

Manipulate Surfaces

A BRep, for Boundary Representation, represents a 3D object by its boundaries. In OpenGeode, these 3D boundaries are Surfaces3D (in gray on images). A BRep is thus composed of Surfaces: it means that the class BRep inherits from the class Surfaces3D. This allows you to know the number of Surfaces in a BRep :

BRep my_brep;
auto nb = my_brep.nb_surfaces();
BRep my_brep;
auto nb = my_brep.nb_surfaces();

data model 2

To iterate on all the Surfaces of a BRep , a range on Surfaces is provided:

BRep my_brep;
for( const auto& surface : my_brep.surfaces() )
  // Do something with surface (which is a Surface3D)
  auto nbv = surface.mesh().nb_vertices();
BRep my_brep;
for( const auto& surface : my_brep.surfaces() )
  // Do something with surface (which is a Surface3D)
  auto nbv = surface.mesh().nb_vertices();

Note that each surface is accessed using a constant reference as a Surface3Dis neither copyable nor modifiable.

Now, you may want to process only a single Surface3D. Thankfully, it is possible to get a specific Surface3Dfrom a BRep. A major feature of OpenGeode is that model components are not continuously numbered: they are identified by a unique index uuid. This is a fundamental design element to allow modifications of OpenGeode models. You can thus obtain a Surface3Dfrom its uuid:

BRep my_brep;
uuid surf_id;
const auto& surface = my_brep.surface( surf_id );
BRep my_brep;
uuid surf_id;
const auto& surface = my_brep.surface( surf_id );

What about other Components ?

We have seen that a BRep is composed of Surface3D. These Surfaces delimit volumes regionalizing an object. As a consequence, a BRep is also composed of Blocks3D. The BRep class inherits from Surface3Dand Blocks3D.

class BRep : public Surfaces3D,
              public Blocks3D
class BRep : public Surfaces3D,
              public Blocks3D

You can count the number of Blocks, iterate on Blocks, get a specific Blocks3D from its uuid as done for Surfaces.

data model 3

But as Surfaces bound Blocks, BRep Surfaces are bounded by Lines (in blue), and BRep Lines are bounded by Corners (in green). These classes are named Components. The BRep class thus inherits from all these classes. The BRep class is defined as follows:

data model 4

class opengeode_model_api BRep : public Topology,
                                  public Corners3D,
                                  public Lines3D,
                                  public Surfaces3D,
                                  public Blocks3D,
                                  public ModelBoundaries3D,
                                  public Identifier
class opengeode_model_api BRep : public Topology,
                                  public Corners3D,
                                  public Lines3D,
                                  public Surfaces3D,
                                  public Blocks3D,
                                  public ModelBoundaries3D,
                                  public Identifier

Relationships between Components

A BRep is composed of several Components and several types of Components. There are some relations between Components; for example and as mentionned above, Lines are boundaries of Surfaces (boundaries are depicted by curved black arrows). All these relations between Components are stored in the class [Relationships]. BRep inherits from this class.

data model 5

Methods and ranges are provided to request relationships between Components. For example, you can get the number of Lines which are boundaries of a given Surface (using its [uuis]):

BRep my_brep;
uuid surf_id;
auto nb_boundary_lines = my_brep.nb_boundaries( surf_id );
BRep my_brep;
uuid surf_id;
auto nb_boundary_lines = my_brep.nb_boundaries( surf_id );

Much like the iteration on BRep Surfaces, it is also possible to iterate on Surface boundary Lines:

BRep my_brep;
uuid surf_id;
const auto& surface = my_brep.surface( surf_id );
for( const auto& line : my_brep.boundaries( surface ) )
  // do something with line (which is a Line3D)
BRep my_brep;
uuid surf_id;
const auto& surface = my_brep.surface( surf_id );
for( const auto& line : my_brep.boundaries( surface ) )
  // do something with line (which is a Line3D)

The opposite relation type of boundary is named incidence (depicted by straight brown arrows), and the same methods and ranges are available.

data model 6

Another type of relations is internal, and its opposite relation: embedded. A Component A is internal to a Component B if A is included inside B. Internal is different from boundary. You can notice that Corners and Lines can be internal Components of a Surface (but only Lines can be boundaries of Surfaces). Following the same idea, Corners, Lines, and Surfaces can be internal Components of Blocks.

The number of relations of a Surface and a Line is used to define if it is closed. A Line with no boundary or only one boundary is closed (as for the round Line on the right side of the cube). A Line with two boundaries is not closed. A Line with more than two boundaries is not valid. A Surface with no boundaries is closed. A Surface with at least one boundary is not closed, regardless of the number of internal Components.

Collections of Components

Another kind of relations between Components allows to gather Components into groups. This is the notion of Collections. Components gathered into collections are called items. For example, in the image below, the red Surfaces can be gather in a collection standing for the right side of the cube. data model 7

In the class BRep, there is one type of Collections: ModelBoundaries. This collection gathers Surfaces that bind the exterior of the model.

The class BRep is defined as follows:

class BRep : public Relationships,
             public Corners3D,
             public Lines3D,
             public Surfaces3D,
             public Blocks3D,
             public ModelBoundaries3D
class BRep : public Relationships,
             public Corners3D,
             public Lines3D,
             public Surfaces3D,
             public Blocks3D,
             public ModelBoundaries3D

As for other relationships, you can get the number of items in a collection, iterate on its items, etc.

You may define your own Collections to identify Components by making groups of Components.

Unique indexing of Components mesh vertices

In an OpenGeode model, each Component mesh has its own set of vertices with a continuous indexing. But several vertices from several BRep Component meshes may represent a single point in the model (groups of black points on image). A model vertex represented by potentially several mesh vertices is called unique vertex.

data model 8

The class BRep also inherits from the class VertexIdentifier that stores this kind of topological information between Component meshes. VertexIdentifier provides methods to request the number of unique vertices, to get all the mesh vertices from a unique vertex index, and, conversely, get the unique vertex index of a mesh vertex:

BRep my_brep;
auto nb_unique_v = my_brep.nb_unique_vertices();
index_t unique_v_id;
const auto& mesh_vertices = my_brep.mesh_component_vertices( unique_v_id );
uuid surf_id;
const auto& mesh_vertices_in_surface = my_brep.mesh_component_vertices( unique_v_id, surf_id );
BRep my_brep;
auto nb_unique_v = my_brep.nb_unique_vertices();
index_t unique_v_id;
const auto& mesh_vertices = my_brep.mesh_component_vertices( unique_v_id );
uuid surf_id;
const auto& mesh_vertices_in_surface = my_brep.mesh_component_vertices( unique_v_id, surf_id );

Notice that all Component mesh vertices are not necessarily identified by unique vertices (only a few can be identified).

To simplify inheritance and gather topological information (between Components and between Component meshes), OpenGeode provides a class named Topology inheriting from both [Relationships] and VertexIdentifier.

Finally, the class BRep is defined as follows:

class BRep : public Topology,
             public Corners3D,
             public Lines3D,
             public Surfaces3D,
             public Blocks3D,
             public ModelBoundaries3D
class BRep : public Topology,
             public Corners3D,
             public Lines3D,
             public Surfaces3D,
             public Blocks3D,
             public ModelBoundaries3D

Creating your own models

At this point, you have learned all the information about BRep inheritance. Should you need other inheritances, OpenGeode provides other models, for example:

class Section : public Topology,
                public Corners2D,
                public Lines2D,
                public Surfaces2D,
                public ModelBoundaries2D
class Section : public Topology,
                public Corners2D,
                public Lines2D,
                public Surfaces2D,
                public ModelBoundaries2D

Section is a 2-dimensional model made of Corners, Lines, and Surfaces (as mesh Components) and ModelBoundaries (as Collections of Components).

This design based on mixins is fully flexible. As a consequence, you are able to build your own OpenGeode models following the same design. You can for example imagine a world map made of Surfaces, Lines, and Corners:

class WorldMap : public Topology,
                 public Corners2D,
                 public Lines2D,
                 public Surfaces2D,
                 public CountryBorders,
                 public Countries,
                 public Continents
class WorldMap : public Topology,
                 public Corners2D,
                 public Lines2D,
                 public Surfaces2D,
                 public CountryBorders,
                 public Countries,
                 public Continents

Geosciences models

OpenGeode-Geosciences provides two classes for geological models, StructuralModel in 3D and CrossSection in 2D. They derive respectively from BRep and Section. They add Geological collections, allowing you to classify the geometrical entities (for instance Surfaces) into geological entities (for instance Faults, Horizons, ...).

class StructuralModel : public BRep,
                        public Faults3D,
                        public Horizons3D,
                        public FaultBlocks3D,
                        public StratigraphicUnits3D
class StructuralModel : public BRep,
                        public Faults3D,
                        public Horizons3D,
                        public FaultBlocks3D,
                        public StratigraphicUnits3D

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