Project OpenGeode
namespace geode
- AABBTree
- AttributeBase
- AttributeCoordinateReferenceSystem
- AttributeLinearInterpolationImpl
- AttributeLinearInterpolation
- AttributeManager
- AttributeProperties
- BRepBuilder
- BRepComponentMeshEdges
- BRepComponentMeshPolygons
- BRepInput
- BRepMappings
- BRepMeshesElementMapping
- BRepMeshesVertexMapping
- BRepOutput
- BRep
- BaseRange
- BijectiveMapping
- BitseryExtensions
- BlockCollection
- BlockCollectionsBuilder
- BlockCollections
- BlockDefinition
- BlockPolyhedraFacetVertices
- BlockPolyhedronFacet
- Block
- BlocksBuilder
- Blocks
- BoundaryDefinition
- BoundingBox
- CRSTag
- CachedValue
- CellArray
- Circle
- ComponentID
- ComponentMeshElement
- ComponentMeshVertex
- ComponentTag
- Component
- ConsoleLoggerClient
- ConsoleProgressLoggerClient
- ConstantAttribute
- CoordinateReferenceSystemManagerBuilder
- CoordinateReferenceSystemManager
- CoordinateReferenceSystemManagersBuilder
- CoordinateReferenceSystemManagers
- CoordinateReferenceSystem
- CoordinateSystem
- CornerCollection
- CornerCollectionsBuilder
- CornerCollections
- CornerDefinition
- Corner
- CornersBuilder
- Corners
- CorrectnessInfo
- Cylinder
- DecrementOperator
- DistanceToEdge
- DistanceToTetrahedron
- DistanceToTriangle
- DynamicNNSearch
- EdgeVertex
- EdgedCurveBuilder
- EdgedCurveInput
- EdgedCurveOutput
- EdgedCurve
- EraserRange
- EuclideanDistanceTransform
- Factory
- Frame
- GenericAttributeConversion
- GenericCircle
- GenericLine
- GenericMapping
- GenericMeshAABB
- GenericMeshAccessor
- GenericPlane
- GenericPolygon
- GenericSegment
- GenericSphere
- GenericTetrahedron
- GenericTriangle
- GraphBuilder
- GraphInput
- GraphOutput
- Graph
- GreyscaleColor
- GridBuilder
- GridPointFunction
- GridScalarFunction
- Grid
- Growable
- HybridSolidBuilder
- HybridSolidInput
- HybridSolidOutput
- HybridSolid
- IOFile
- IdentifierBuilder
- Identifier
- IncrementOperator
- InfiniteLine
- Input
- IntersectionResult
- Library
- LightRegularGridInput
- LightRegularGridOutput
- LightRegularGrid
- LineCollection
- LineCollectionsBuilder
- LineCollections
- LineDefinition
- Line
- LinesBuilder
- Lines
- LoggerClient
- LoggerManager
- Logger
- MappingBase
- MeshBuilderFactoryKey
- MeshBuilderFactory
- MeshEdge
- MeshEdgesInclusion
- MeshElement
- MeshElementsInclusion
- MeshFactory
- MeshImplTag
- MeshPolygon
- MeshPolygonsInclusion
- MeshTypeTag
- MeshVertex
- MeshVerticesInclusion
- MeshesElementsMapping
- ModelBoundariesBuilder
- ModelBoundaries
- ModelBoundary
- ModelComponentMeshEdges
- ModelComponentMeshPolygons
- ModelConcatener
- ModelMapping
- ModelMappings
- ModelMeshesAABBTree
- ModelMeshesElementMapping
- ModelMeshesVertexMapping
- ModelToMeshMappings
- MultipleValueStorage
- NNSearch
- NamedType
- OneValueStorage
- OpenGeodeBRepInput
- OpenGeodeBRepOutput
- OpenGeodeBasicLibrary
- OpenGeodeEdgedCurveBuilder
- OpenGeodeEdgedCurveInput
- OpenGeodeEdgedCurveOutput
- OpenGeodeEdgedCurve
- OpenGeodeException
- OpenGeodeGeometryLibrary
- OpenGeodeGraphBuilder
- OpenGeodeGraphInput
- OpenGeodeGraphOutput
- OpenGeodeGraph
- OpenGeodeHybridSolidBuilder
- OpenGeodeHybridSolidInput
- OpenGeodeHybridSolidOutput
- OpenGeodeHybridSolid
- OpenGeodeImageLibrary
- OpenGeodeMeshLibrary
- OpenGeodeModelLibrary
- OpenGeodePointException
- OpenGeodePointSetBuilder
- OpenGeodePointSetInput
- OpenGeodePointSetOutput
- OpenGeodePointSet
- OpenGeodePolygonalSurfaceBuilder
- OpenGeodePolygonalSurfaceInput
- OpenGeodePolygonalSurfaceOutput
- OpenGeodePolygonalSurface
- OpenGeodePolyhedralSolidBuilder
- OpenGeodePolyhedralSolidInput
- OpenGeodePolyhedralSolidOutput
- OpenGeodePolyhedralSolid
- OpenGeodeRasterImageInput
- OpenGeodeRasterImageOutput
- OpenGeodeRegularGridBuilder
- OpenGeodeRegularGridInput
- OpenGeodeRegularGridOutput
- OpenGeodeRegularGrid
- OpenGeodeSectionInput
- OpenGeodeSectionOutput
- OpenGeodeSegmentException
- OpenGeodeTetrahedralSolidBuilder
- OpenGeodeTetrahedralSolidInput
- OpenGeodeTetrahedralSolidOutput
- OpenGeodeTetrahedralSolid
- OpenGeodeTetrahedronException
- OpenGeodeTriangleException
- OpenGeodeTriangulatedSurfaceBuilder
- OpenGeodeTriangulatedSurfaceInput
- OpenGeodeTriangulatedSurfaceOutput
- OpenGeodeTriangulatedSurface
- OpenGeodeVertexSetBuilder
- OpenGeodeVertexSetInput
- OpenGeodeVertexSetOutput
- OpenGeodeVertexSet
- Output
- OwnerCircle
- OwnerInfiniteLine
- OwnerPlane
- OwnerPolygon
- OwnerRay
- OwnerSegment
- OwnerSphere
- OwnerTetrahedron
- OwnerTriangle
- PImpl
- PassKey
- Plane
- PointSetBuilder
- PointSetInput
- PointSetOutput
- PointSet
- Point
- PolygonEdge
- PolygonVertex
- Polygon
- PolygonalSurfaceBuilder
- PolygonalSurfaceInput
- PolygonalSurfaceOutput
- PolygonalSurface
- PolyhedralSolidBuilder
- PolyhedralSolidInput
- PolyhedralSolidOutput
- PolyhedralSolid
- PolyhedronFacetEdge
- PolyhedronFacetVertex
- PolyhedronFacet
- PolyhedronVertex
- ProgressLoggerClient
- ProgressLoggerManager
- ProgressLogger
- RGBColor
- RasterImageInput
- RasterImageOutput
- RasterImage
- RayTracing3D
- Ray
- ReadOnlyAttribute
- RegularGridBuilder
- RegularGridInput
- RegularGridOutput
- RegularGrid
- RelationshipsBuilder
- Relationships
- SectionBuilder
- SectionComponentMeshEdges
- SectionComponentMeshPolygons
- SectionExtruderOptions
- SectionInput
- SectionMeshesElementMapping
- SectionMeshesVertexMapping
- SectionOutput
- Section
- Segment
- SidedSurface
- SimplicialBRepCreator
- SimplicialSectionCreator
- Singleton
- SolidEdgesBuilder
- SolidEdges
- SolidFacetsBuilder
- SolidFacets
- SolidMeshBuilder
- SolidMesh
- SortedSurfaces
- SparseAttribute
- Sphere
- SquareMatrix
- SurfaceCollection
- SurfaceCollectionsBuilder
- SurfaceCollections
- SurfaceDefinition
- SurfaceEdgesBuilder
- SurfaceEdges
- SurfaceMeshBuilder
- SurfaceMesh
- SurfacePolygonEdge
- SurfacePolygonsEdgeVertices
- Surface
- SurfacesBuilder
- Surfaces
- TIndices
- TRange
- TReverseRange
- TetrahedralSolidBuilder
- TetrahedralSolidInput
- TetrahedralSolidOutput
- TetrahedralSolidPointFunction
- TetrahedralSolidScalarFunction
- TetrahedralSolid
- Tetrahedron
- TextureManager
- TextureStorage
- Texture
- Timer
- TopologyBuilder
- Topology
- Triangle
- TriangulatedSurfaceBuilder
- TriangulatedSurfaceInput
- TriangulatedSurfaceOutput
- TriangulatedSurfacePointFunction
- TriangulatedSurfaceScalarFunction
- TriangulatedSurface
- UnzipFile
- VariableAttribute
- Vector
- VertexIdentifierBuilder
- VertexIdentifier
- VertexSetBuilder
- VertexSetInput
- VertexSetOutput
- VertexSet
- ZipFile
- uuid
void geode_assertion_failed(basic_string_view condition, basic_string_view message, basic_string_view file, int line)
void geode_assertion_failed(basic_string_view condition, basic_string_view message, basic_string_view file, int line)
int geode_lippincott()
int geode_lippincott()
Try to catch several exception types. Always return 1.
void throw_lippincott()
void throw_lippincott()
Catch all exceptions and rethrow an OpenGeodeException
unsigned char operator""_uc(unsigned long long arg)
unsigned char operator""_uc(unsigned long long arg)
basic_string to_string(basic_string_view view)
basic_string to_string(basic_string_view view)
std::array<T, sizeof...(Args)> to_array(Args &&... args)
std::array<T, sizeof...(Args)> to_array(Args &&... args)
void register_basic_serialize_pcontext(PContext & context)
void register_basic_serialize_pcontext(PContext & context)
Register all the information needed by Bitsery to serialize the objects in the basic library.
context [in] The context where to register this information.
warning The context can be used only once per archive.
void register_basic_deserialize_pcontext(PContext & context)
void register_basic_deserialize_pcontext(PContext & context)
Register all the information needed by Bitsery to deserialize the objects in the basic library.
context [in] The context where to register this information.
warning The context can be used only once per archive.
void concatenate(Container & container, const Container & values)
void concatenate(Container & container, const Container & values)
void concatenate(Container & container, Container && values)
void concatenate(Container & container, Container && values)
index_t delete_vector_elements(const DeleteContainer & to_delete, ValueContainer & values)
index_t delete_vector_elements(const DeleteContainer & to_delete, ValueContainer & values)
Delete some elements from a given vector.
to_delete [in] Vector of the same size than values. If to_delete[i] is true the i-th element is deleted, else the element is kept.
values [in] Vector in which perform deletions.
return The number of deleted elements
ValueContainer extract_vector_elements(const DeleteContainer & to_keep, const ValueContainer & in_values)
ValueContainer extract_vector_elements(const DeleteContainer & to_keep, const ValueContainer & in_values)
Create a new vector containing only some elements from a given vector.
to_keep [in] Vector of the same size than in_values. If to_keep[i] is true the i-th element is kept.
in_values [in] Vector in which perform deletions.
return A vector containing only kept elements of in_values
void sort_unique(Container & container)
void sort_unique(Container & container)
Modify the container by removing every duplicated values inside
Container Type of container.
container [in] container in which perform the search.
void sort_unique(Container & container, Comparison comp)
void sort_unique(Container & container, Comparison comp)
void permute(Container & data, Span permutation)
void permute(Container & data, Span permutation)
vector old2new_permutation(Span permutation)
vector old2new_permutation(Span permutation)
void register_geode_builder()
void register_geode_builder()
void register_geometry_serialize_pcontext(PContext & context)
void register_geometry_serialize_pcontext(PContext & context)
Register all the information needed by Bitsery to serialize the objects in the geometry library.
context [in] The context where to register this information.
warning The context can be used only once per archive.
void register_geometry_deserialize_pcontext(PContext & context)
void register_geometry_deserialize_pcontext(PContext & context)
Register all the information needed by Bitsery to deserialize the objects in the geometry library.
context [in] The context where to register this information.
warning The context can be used only once per archive.
void register_image_serialize_pcontext(PContext & context)
void register_image_serialize_pcontext(PContext & context)
Register all the information needed by Bitsery to serialize the objects in the image library.
context [in] The context where to register this information.
warning The context can be used only once per archive.
void register_image_deserialize_pcontext(PContext & context)
void register_image_deserialize_pcontext(PContext & context)
Register all the information needed by Bitsery to deserialize the objects in the image library.
context [in] The context where to register this information.
warning The context can be used only once per archive.
path filename_with_extension(const std::filesystem::path & path)
path filename_with_extension(const std::filesystem::path & path)
path filename_without_extension(const std::filesystem::path & path)
path filename_without_extension(const std::filesystem::path & path)
path filepath_without_extension(const std::filesystem::path & path)
path filepath_without_extension(const std::filesystem::path & path)
path filepath_without_filename(const std::filesystem::path & path)
path filepath_without_filename(const std::filesystem::path & path)
basic_string_view extension_from_filename(basic_string_view filename)
basic_string_view extension_from_filename(basic_string_view filename)
basic_string expand_predefined_folders(basic_string_view path)
basic_string expand_predefined_folders(basic_string_view path)
void print_available_extensions(basic_string_view type)
void print_available_extensions(basic_string_view type)
RasterImage<dimension> load_raster_image(basic_string_view filename)
RasterImage<dimension> load_raster_image(basic_string_view filename)
API function for loading an RasterImage. The adequate loader is called depending on the filename extension. Default data structure implémentation is used.
filename [in] Path to the file to load.
typename RasterImageInput<dimension>::MissingFiles check_raster_image_missing_files(basic_string_view filename)
typename RasterImageInput<dimension>::MissingFiles check_raster_image_missing_files(basic_string_view filename)
bool is_raster_image_loadable(basic_string_view filename)
bool is_raster_image_loadable(basic_string_view filename)
vector save_raster_image(const RasterImage<dimension> & raster, basic_string_view filename)
vector save_raster_image(const RasterImage<dimension> & raster, basic_string_view filename)
API function for saving a RasterImage. The adequate saver is called depending on the given filename extension.
raster [in] RasterImage to save.
filename [in] Path to the file where save the RasterImage.
bool is_raster_image_saveable(const RasterImage<dimension> & raster, basic_string_view filename)
bool is_raster_image_saveable(const RasterImage<dimension> & raster, basic_string_view filename)
bool are_mesh_elements_included(const MeshElementsInclusion<MeshElementType> & inclusion)
bool are_mesh_elements_included(const MeshElementsInclusion<MeshElementType> & inclusion)
bool are_mesh_elements_included(const MeshElementsInclusion<MeshElementType> & inclusion, const SkipMeshElement & skip)
bool are_mesh_elements_included(const MeshElementsInclusion<MeshElementType> & inclusion, const SkipMeshElement & skip)
Vector perpendicular(const Vector2D & v)
Vector perpendicular(const Vector2D & v)
Return a 2D vector perpendicular to the given one
double dot_perpendicular(const Vector2D & v0, const Vector2D & v1)
double dot_perpendicular(const Vector2D & v0, const Vector2D & v1)
Compute the dot product between a 2D vector p and another 2D vector perpendicular to p
vector lexicographic_mapping(absl::Span<const Point<dimension> > points)
vector lexicographic_mapping(absl::Span<const Point<dimension> > points)
vector morton_mapping(absl::Span<const Point<dimension> > points)
vector morton_mapping(absl::Span<const Point<dimension> > points)
SIDE point_side_to_segment(const Point2D & point, const Segment2D & segment)
SIDE point_side_to_segment(const Point2D & point, const Segment2D & segment)
Return the point side to a segment.
SIDE point_side_to_line(const Point2D & point, const InfiniteLine2D & line)
SIDE point_side_to_line(const Point2D & point, const InfiniteLine2D & line)
Return the point side to a line.
SIDE point_side_to_plane(const Point3D & point, const Plane & plane)
SIDE point_side_to_plane(const Point3D & point, const Plane & plane)
Return the point side to a plane.
SIDE point_side_to_triangle(const Point3D & point, const Triangle3D & triangle)
SIDE point_side_to_triangle(const Point3D & point, const Triangle3D & triangle)
Return the point side to a 3D triangle.
POSITION point_segment_position(const Point<dimension> & point, const Segment<dimension> & segment)
POSITION point_segment_position(const Point<dimension> & point, const Segment<dimension> & segment)
Return the position of a point on a segment: inside, outside or on segment vertex.
POSITION point_triangle_position(const Point<dimension> & point, const Triangle<dimension> & triangle)
POSITION point_triangle_position(const Point<dimension> & point, const Triangle<dimension> & triangle)
Return the position of a point in a triangle: inside, outside, on a triangle vertex or an edge.
POSITION point_tetrahedron_position(const Point3D & point, const Tetrahedron & tetra)
POSITION point_tetrahedron_position(const Point3D & point, const Tetrahedron & tetra)
Return the position of a point in a tetrahedron: inside, outside, on a tetra vertex, an edge or a facet.
bool are_points_aligned(const Point<dimension> & point0, const Point<dimension> & point1, const Point<dimension> & point2)
bool are_points_aligned(const Point<dimension> & point0, const Point<dimension> & point1, const Point<dimension> & point2)
Return true if the three points are exactly aligned.
double point_point_distance(const Point<dimension> & point0, const Point<dimension> & point1)
double point_point_distance(const Point<dimension> & point0, const Point<dimension> & point1)
Compute the Euclidean distance between a two points
double point_segment_distance(const Point<dimension> & point, const Segment<dimension> & segment)
double point_segment_distance(const Point<dimension> & point, const Segment<dimension> & segment)
Compute the smallest distance between a point and a segment
std::tuple<double, Point<dimension>, Point<dimension> > segment_segment_distance(const Segment<dimension> & segment0, const Segment<dimension> & segment1)
std::tuple<double, Point<dimension>, Point<dimension> > segment_segment_distance(const Segment<dimension> & segment0, const Segment<dimension> & segment1)
Compute the smallest distance between two segments
return a tuple containing: - the smallest distance. - the closest point on the first segment. - the closest point on the second segment.
std::tuple<double, Point<dimension>, Point<dimension> > segment_line_distance(const Segment<dimension> & segment, const InfiniteLine<dimension> & line)
std::tuple<double, Point<dimension>, Point<dimension> > segment_line_distance(const Segment<dimension> & segment, const InfiniteLine<dimension> & line)
double point_line_distance(const Point<dimension> & point, const InfiniteLine<dimension> & line)
double point_line_distance(const Point<dimension> & point, const InfiniteLine<dimension> & line)
Compute the smallest distance between a point and an infinite line
double point_line_signed_distance(const Point2D & point, const InfiniteLine2D & line)
double point_line_signed_distance(const Point2D & point, const InfiniteLine2D & line)
Compute the smallest signed distance between a point and an infinite line in 2D
std::tuple<double, Point<dimension> > point_triangle_distance(const Point<dimension> & point, const Triangle<dimension> & triangle)
std::tuple<double, Point<dimension> > point_triangle_distance(const Point<dimension> & point, const Triangle<dimension> & triangle)
Compute the smallest distance between a point and a triangle
return a tuple containing: - the smallest distance. - the closest point on the triangle.
tuple point_triangle_signed_distance(const Point3D & point, const Triangle3D & triangle)
tuple point_triangle_signed_distance(const Point3D & point, const Triangle3D & triangle)
Compute the signed distance between a point and a triangle
return a tuple containing: - the smallest distance. - the closest point on the triangle.
details the sign is given by the triangle normal (positive if in the same plane).
std::tuple<double, Point3D, Point3D> line_triangle_distance(const InfiniteLine3D & line, const Triangle3D & triangle)
std::tuple<double, Point3D, Point3D> line_triangle_distance(const InfiniteLine3D & line, const Triangle3D & triangle)
Compute the smallest distance between an infinite line and a triangle
return a tuple containing: - the smallest distance. - the closest point on the line. - the closest point on the triangle.
std::tuple<double, Point3D, Point3D> segment_triangle_distance(const Segment3D & segment, const Triangle3D & triangle)
std::tuple<double, Point3D, Point3D> segment_triangle_distance(const Segment3D & segment, const Triangle3D & triangle)
Compute the smallest distance between an segment and a triangle
return a tuple containing: - the smallest distance. - the closest point on the segment. - the closest point on the triangle.
tuple point_tetrahedron_distance(const Point3D & point, const Tetrahedron & tetra)
tuple point_tetrahedron_distance(const Point3D & point, const Tetrahedron & tetra)
Compute the distance between a point and a tetrahedron
return a tuple containing: - the smallest distance. - the nearest point on the tetrahedron.
tuple point_plane_distance(const Point3D & point, const Plane & plane)
tuple point_plane_distance(const Point3D & point, const Plane & plane)
Compute the distance between a point and a plane
return a tuple containing: - the smallest distance. - the nearest point on the plane.
tuple point_plane_signed_distance(const Point3D & point, const Plane & plane)
tuple point_plane_signed_distance(const Point3D & point, const Plane & plane)
Compute the signed distance between a point and a plane
return a tuple containing: - the signed distance (sign is given by the plane normal direction). - the nearest point on the plane.
std::tuple<double, Point<dimension> > point_sphere_distance(const Point<dimension> & point, const Sphere<dimension> & sphere)
std::tuple<double, Point<dimension> > point_sphere_distance(const Point<dimension> & point, const Sphere<dimension> & sphere)
Compute the smallest distance between a point and a sphere
return a tuple containing: - the smallest distance. - the closest point on the sphere.
std::tuple<double, Point<dimension> > point_sphere_signed_distance(const Point<dimension> & point, const Sphere<dimension> & sphere)
std::tuple<double, Point<dimension> > point_sphere_signed_distance(const Point<dimension> & point, const Sphere<dimension> & sphere)
Compute the smallest signed distance between a point and a sphere
return a tuple containing: - the smallest signed distance. - the closest point on the sphere.
details the sign is positive outside the sphere, negative inside.
std::tuple<double, Point<dimension> > point_ball_distance(const Point<dimension> & point, const Ball<dimension> & sphere)
std::tuple<double, Point<dimension> > point_ball_distance(const Point<dimension> & point, const Ball<dimension> & sphere)
Compute the smallest distance between a point and a ball
return a tuple containing: - the smallest distance. - the closest point on the ball.
details Result is always positive or null. If point is inside the ball, the returned distance is 0.
tuple point_circle_distance(const Point3D & point, const Circle & circle)
tuple point_circle_distance(const Point3D & point, const Circle & circle)
Compute the smallest distance between a point and a circle
return a tuple containing: - the smallest distance. - the closest point on the circle.
tuple point_circle_signed_distance(const Point3D & point, const Circle & circle)
tuple point_circle_signed_distance(const Point3D & point, const Circle & circle)
Compute the smallest signed distance between a point and a circle
return a tuple containing: - the smallest signed distance. - the closest point on the circle.
details the sign is positive outside the circle, negative inside.
tuple point_disk_distance(const Point3D & point, const Disk & disk)
tuple point_disk_distance(const Point3D & point, const Disk & disk)
Compute the smallest distance between a point and a disk
return a tuple containing: - the smallest distance. - the closest point on the disk.
details Result is always positive or null. If point is inside the disk, the returned distance is 0.
double triangle_area(const Triangle<dimension> & triangle)
double triangle_area(const Triangle<dimension> & triangle)
Compute the (positive) area of a triangle
triangle [in] Triangle to compute area
double triangle_signed_area(const Triangle2D & triangle)
double triangle_signed_area(const Triangle2D & triangle)
Compute the signed area of a triangle
triangle [in] Triangle to compute area returned area is positive if the triangle vertices are ordered counter-clockwise, negative if clockwise.
double triangle_signed_area(const Triangle3D & triangle, const Vector3D & direction)
double triangle_signed_area(const Triangle3D & triangle, const Vector3D & direction)
Compute the signed area of a 3D triangle
triangle [in] Triangle to compute area
direction [in] Direction used to determined the sign of returned area: positive if the triangle normal is in the same direction than direction, negative if the triangle normal is in the opposition direction.
double tetrahedron_signed_volume(const Tetrahedron & tetra)
double tetrahedron_signed_volume(const Tetrahedron & tetra)
Compute the signed volume of a tetrahedron
double tetrahedron_volume(const Tetrahedron & tetra)
double tetrahedron_volume(const Tetrahedron & tetra)
Compute the (positive) volume of a tetrahedron
POSITION point_segment_position_exact(const Point3D & point, const Segment3D & segment)
POSITION point_segment_position_exact(const Point3D & point, const Segment3D & segment)
POSITION point_segment_position_exact(const Point2D & point, const Segment2D & segment)
POSITION point_segment_position_exact(const Point2D & point, const Segment2D & segment)
POSITION point_segment_position_exact(const Point1D & point, const Segment1D & segment)
POSITION point_segment_position_exact(const Point1D & point, const Segment1D & segment)
POSITION point_triangle_position_all_zero(const Point<dimension> & point, const Triangle<dimension> & triangle)
POSITION point_triangle_position_all_zero(const Point<dimension> & point, const Triangle<dimension> & triangle)
POSITION point_triangle_position_exact(const Point2D & point, const Triangle2D & triangle)
POSITION point_triangle_position_exact(const Point2D & point, const Triangle2D & triangle)
POSITION compute_determinants(const Point3D & point, const Triangle3D & triangle, const Vector3D & third_vector)
POSITION compute_determinants(const Point3D & point, const Triangle3D & triangle, const Vector3D & third_vector)
POSITION point_triangle_position_exact(const Point3D & point, const Triangle3D & triangle)
POSITION point_triangle_position_exact(const Point3D & point, const Triangle3D & triangle)
POSITION point_tetrahedron_position_exact(const Point3D & point, const Tetrahedron & tetra)
POSITION point_tetrahedron_position_exact(const Point3D & point, const Tetrahedron & tetra)
POSITION point_triangle_position(const Point2D & point, const Triangle2D & triangle)
POSITION point_triangle_position(const Point2D & point, const Triangle2D & triangle)
POSITION point_triangle_position(const Point3D & point, const Triangle3D & triangle)
POSITION point_triangle_position(const Point3D & point, const Triangle3D & triangle)
bool are_points_aligned(const Point2D & point0, const Point2D & point1, const Point2D & point2)
bool are_points_aligned(const Point2D & point0, const Point2D & point1, const Point2D & point2)
bool are_points_aligned(const Point3D & point0, const Point3D & point1, const Point3D & point2)
bool are_points_aligned(const Point3D & point0, const Point3D & point1, const Point3D & point2)
Point<dimension> point_segment_projection(const Point<dimension> & point, const Segment<dimension> & segment)
Point<dimension> point_segment_projection(const Point<dimension> & point, const Segment<dimension> & segment)
Return the projection of a point on a segment
point [in] the point to project
segment [in] the segment
Point<dimension> point_line_projection(const Point<dimension> & point, const InfiniteLine<dimension> & line)
Point<dimension> point_line_projection(const Point<dimension> & point, const InfiniteLine<dimension> & line)
Return the projection of a point on a line
point [in] the point to project
line [in] the line
Point<dimension> point_triangle_projection(const Point<dimension> & point, const Triangle<dimension> & triangle)
Point<dimension> point_triangle_projection(const Point<dimension> & point, const Triangle<dimension> & triangle)
Return the projection of a point on a triangle
point [in] the point to project
triangle [in] the triangle
Point point_plane_projection(const Point3D & point, const Plane & plane)
Point point_plane_projection(const Point3D & point, const Plane & plane)
Return the projection of a point on a plane
point [in] the point to project
plane [in] the plane
double tetrahedron_aspect_ratio(const Tetrahedron & tetra)
double tetrahedron_aspect_ratio(const Tetrahedron & tetra)
double tetrahedron_volume_to_edge_ratio(const Tetrahedron & tetra)
double tetrahedron_volume_to_edge_ratio(const Tetrahedron & tetra)
FixedArray radial_sort(const Segment3D & segment, Span points)
FixedArray radial_sort(const Segment3D & segment, Span points)
Point rotate(const Point3D & point, const Vector3D & axis, double angle)
Point rotate(const Point3D & point, const Vector3D & axis, double angle)
Rotate a Point3D by an angle around an axis
point [in] The point to rotate.
axis [in] Axis for the rotation (not null but not necessary normalized).
angle [in] Rotation angle expresses in radians.
void register_mesh_serialize_pcontext(PContext & context)
void register_mesh_serialize_pcontext(PContext & context)
Register all the information needed by Bitsery to serialize the objects in the mesh library.
context [in] The context where to register this information.
warning The context can be used only once per archive.
void register_mesh_deserialize_pcontext(PContext & context)
void register_mesh_deserialize_pcontext(PContext & context)
Register all the information needed by Bitsery to deserialize the objects in the mesh library.
context [in] The context where to register this information.
warning The context can be used only once per archive.
vector save_triangulated_surface(const TriangulatedSurface<dimension> & triangulated_surface, basic_string_view filename)
vector save_triangulated_surface(const TriangulatedSurface<dimension> & triangulated_surface, basic_string_view filename)
API function for saving a TriangulatedSurface. The adequate saver is called depending on the given filename extension.
triangulated_surface [in] TriangulatedSurface to save.
filename [in] Path to the file where save the TriangulatedSurface.
bool is_triangulated_surface_saveable(const TriangulatedSurface<dimension> & triangulated_surface, basic_string_view filename)
bool is_triangulated_surface_saveable(const TriangulatedSurface<dimension> & triangulated_surface, basic_string_view filename)
array tetrahedron_barycentric_coordinates(const Point3D & point, const Tetrahedron & tetrahedron)
array tetrahedron_barycentric_coordinates(const Point3D & point, const Tetrahedron & tetrahedron)
Compute the barycentric coordinates of a point with regards to a tetrahedron.
return an array containing the parametric coordinates corresponding to the tetrahedron vertices.
exceptionif the tetrahedron is degenerated
array safe_tetrahedron_barycentric_coordinates(const Point3D & point, const Tetrahedron & tetrahedron)
array safe_tetrahedron_barycentric_coordinates(const Point3D & point, const Tetrahedron & tetrahedron)
Compute the barycentric coordinates of a point with regards to a tetrahedron. If tetrahedron is degenerated, computation fallbacks onto its largest facet.
return an array containing the parametric coordinates corresponding to the tetrahedron vertices.
array triangle_barycentric_coordinates(const Point<dimension> & point, const Triangle<dimension> & triangle)
array triangle_barycentric_coordinates(const Point<dimension> & point, const Triangle<dimension> & triangle)
Compute barycentric coordinates of a point with regards to a triangle.
return an array containing the parametric coordinates corresponding to the triangle vertices.
exceptionif the triangle is degenerated
array safe_triangle_barycentric_coordinates(const Point<dimension> & point, const Triangle<dimension> & triangle)
array safe_triangle_barycentric_coordinates(const Point<dimension> & point, const Triangle<dimension> & triangle)
Compute barycentric coordinates of a point with regards to a triangle. If triangle is degenerated, computation fallbacks onto its longest segment.
return an array containing the parametric coordinates corresponding to the triangle vertices.
array segment_barycentric_coordinates(const Point<dimension> & point, const Segment<dimension> & segment)
array segment_barycentric_coordinates(const Point<dimension> & point, const Segment<dimension> & segment)
Compute barycentric coordinates of a point with regards to a segment.
return an array containing the parametric coordinates corresponding to the segment vertices.
exceptionif the segment is degenerated
array safe_segment_barycentric_coordinates(const Point<dimension> & point, const Segment<dimension> & segment)
array safe_segment_barycentric_coordinates(const Point<dimension> & point, const Segment<dimension> & segment)
Compute barycentric coordinates of a point with regards to a segment. If segment is degenerated, computation fallbacks onto its vertices.
return an array containing the parametric coordinates corresponding to the segment vertices.
void register_geode_mesh_output()
void register_geode_mesh_output()
vector save_edged_curve(const EdgedCurve<dimension> & edged_curve, basic_string_view filename)
vector save_edged_curve(const EdgedCurve<dimension> & edged_curve, basic_string_view filename)
API function for saving a EdgedCurve. The adequate saver is called depending on the given filename extension.
edged_curve [in] EdgedCurve to save.
filename [in] Path to the file where save the EdgedCurve.
bool is_edged_curve_saveable(const EdgedCurve<dimension> & edged_curve, basic_string_view filename)
bool is_edged_curve_saveable(const EdgedCurve<dimension> & edged_curve, basic_string_view filename)
vector save_graph(const Graph & graph, basic_string_view filename)
vector save_graph(const Graph & graph, basic_string_view filename)
API function for saving a Graph. The adequate saver is called depending on the given filename extension.
graph [in] Graph to save.
filename [in] Path to the file where save the Graph.
bool is_graph_saveable(const Graph & graph, basic_string_view filename)
bool is_graph_saveable(const Graph & graph, basic_string_view filename)
vector save_hybrid_solid(const HybridSolid<dimension> & hybrid_solid, basic_string_view filename)
vector save_hybrid_solid(const HybridSolid<dimension> & hybrid_solid, basic_string_view filename)
API function for saving a HybridSolid. The adequate saver is called depending on the given filename extension.
hybrid_solid [in] HybridSolid to save.
filename [in] Path to the file where save the HybridSolid.
bool is_hybrid_solid_saveable(const HybridSolid<dimension> & hybrid_solid, basic_string_view filename)
bool is_hybrid_solid_saveable(const HybridSolid<dimension> & hybrid_solid, basic_string_view filename)
vector save_point_set(const PointSet<dimension> & point_set, basic_string_view filename)
vector save_point_set(const PointSet<dimension> & point_set, basic_string_view filename)
API function for saving a PointSet. The adequate saver is called depending on the given filename extension.
point_set [in] PointSet to save.
filename [in] Path to the file where save the PointSet.
bool is_point_set_saveable(const PointSet<dimension> & point_set, basic_string_view filename)
bool is_point_set_saveable(const PointSet<dimension> & point_set, basic_string_view filename)
vector save_polygonal_surface(const PolygonalSurface<dimension> & polygonal_surface, basic_string_view filename)
vector save_polygonal_surface(const PolygonalSurface<dimension> & polygonal_surface, basic_string_view filename)
API function for saving a PolygonalSurface. The adequate saver is called depending on the given filename extension. const PolygonalSurface< dimension >& polygonal_surface,
edged_curve [in] PolygonalSurface to save.
filename [in] Path to the file where save the PolygonalSurface.
bool is_polygonal_surface_saveable(const PolygonalSurface<dimension> & polygonal_surface, basic_string_view filename)
bool is_polygonal_surface_saveable(const PolygonalSurface<dimension> & polygonal_surface, basic_string_view filename)
vector save_polyhedral_solid(const PolyhedralSolid<dimension> & polyhedral_solid, basic_string_view filename)
vector save_polyhedral_solid(const PolyhedralSolid<dimension> & polyhedral_solid, basic_string_view filename)
API function for saving a PolyhedralSolid. The adequate saver is called depending on the given filename extension.
polyhedral_solid [in] PolyhedralSolid to save.
filename [in] Path to the file where save the PolyhedralSolid.
bool is_polyhedral_solid_saveable(const PolyhedralSolid<dimension> & polyhedral_solid, basic_string_view filename)
bool is_polyhedral_solid_saveable(const PolyhedralSolid<dimension> & polyhedral_solid, basic_string_view filename)
vector save_regular_grid(const RegularGrid<dimension> & regular_grid, basic_string_view filename)
vector save_regular_grid(const RegularGrid<dimension> & regular_grid, basic_string_view filename)
API function for saving a RegularGrid. The adequate saver is called depending on the given filename extension.
regular_grid [in] RegularGrid to save.
filename [in] Path to the file where save the RegularGrid.
bool is_regular_grid_saveable(const RegularGrid<dimension> & regular_grid, basic_string_view filename)
bool is_regular_grid_saveable(const RegularGrid<dimension> & regular_grid, basic_string_view filename)
vector save_tetrahedral_solid(const TetrahedralSolid<dimension> & tetrahedral_solid, basic_string_view filename)
vector save_tetrahedral_solid(const TetrahedralSolid<dimension> & tetrahedral_solid, basic_string_view filename)
API function for saving a TetrahedralSolid. The adequate saver is called depending on the given filename extension.
tetrahedral_solid [in] TetrahedralSolid to save.
filename [in] Path to the file where save the TetrahedralSolid.
bool is_tetrahedral_solid_saveable(const TetrahedralSolid<dimension> & tetrahedral_solid, basic_string_view filename)
bool is_tetrahedral_solid_saveable(const TetrahedralSolid<dimension> & tetrahedral_solid, basic_string_view filename)
vector save_vertex_set(const VertexSet & vertex_set, basic_string_view filename)
vector save_vertex_set(const VertexSet & vertex_set, basic_string_view filename)
API function for saving a VertexSet. The adequate saver is called depending on the given filename extension.
vertex_set [in] VertexSet to save.
filename [in] Path to the file where save the VertexSet.
bool is_vertex_set_saveable(const VertexSet & vertex_set, basic_string_view filename)
bool is_vertex_set_saveable(const VertexSet & vertex_set, basic_string_view filename)
vector save_light_regular_grid(const LightRegularGrid<dimension> & light_regular_grid, basic_string_view filename)
vector save_light_regular_grid(const LightRegularGrid<dimension> & light_regular_grid, basic_string_view filename)
API function for saving a LightRegularGrid. The adequate saver is called depending on the given filename extension.
light_regular_grid [in] LightRegularGrid to save.
filename [in] Path to the file where save the LightRegularGrid.
bool is_light_regular_grid_saveable(const LightRegularGrid<dimension> & light_regular_grid, basic_string_view filename)
bool is_light_regular_grid_saveable(const LightRegularGrid<dimension> & light_regular_grid, basic_string_view filename)
std::unique_ptr<RegularGrid<dimension> > load_regular_grid(const MeshImpl & impl, basic_string_view filename)
std::unique_ptr<RegularGrid<dimension> > load_regular_grid(const MeshImpl & impl, basic_string_view filename)
API function for loading an RegularGrid. The adequate loader is called depending on the filename extension.
impl [in] Data structure implementation.
filename [in] Path to the file to load.
std::unique_ptr<RegularGrid<dimension> > load_regular_grid(basic_string_view filename)
std::unique_ptr<RegularGrid<dimension> > load_regular_grid(basic_string_view filename)
API function for loading a RegularGrid. The adequate loader is called depending on the filename extension.
filename [in] Path to the file to load.
typename RegularGridInput<dimension>::MissingFiles check_regular_grid_missing_files(basic_string_view filename)
typename RegularGridInput<dimension>::MissingFiles check_regular_grid_missing_files(basic_string_view filename)
bool is_regular_grid_loadable(basic_string_view filename)
bool is_regular_grid_loadable(basic_string_view filename)
unique_ptr load_vertex_set(const MeshImpl & impl, basic_string_view filename)
unique_ptr load_vertex_set(const MeshImpl & impl, basic_string_view filename)
API function for loading an VertexSet. The adequate loader is called depending on the filename extension.
impl [in] Data structure implementation.
filename [in] Path to the file to load.
unique_ptr load_vertex_set(basic_string_view filename)
unique_ptr load_vertex_set(basic_string_view filename)
API function for loading an VertexSet. The adequate loader is called depending on the filename extension. Default data structure implémentation is used.
filename [in] Path to the file to load.
MissingFiles check_vertex_set_missing_files(basic_string_view filename)
MissingFiles check_vertex_set_missing_files(basic_string_view filename)
bool is_vertex_set_loadable(basic_string_view filename)
bool is_vertex_set_loadable(basic_string_view filename)
std::unique_ptr<TetrahedralSolid<dimension> > load_tetrahedral_solid(const MeshImpl & impl, basic_string_view filename)
std::unique_ptr<TetrahedralSolid<dimension> > load_tetrahedral_solid(const MeshImpl & impl, basic_string_view filename)
API function for loading an TetrahedralSolid. The adequate loader is called depending on the filename extension.
impl [in] Data structure implementation.
filename [in] Path to the file to load.
std::unique_ptr<TetrahedralSolid<dimension> > load_tetrahedral_solid(basic_string_view filename)
std::unique_ptr<TetrahedralSolid<dimension> > load_tetrahedral_solid(basic_string_view filename)
API function for loading an TetrahedralSolid. The adequate loader is called depending on the filename extension. Default data structure implémentation is used.
filename [in] Path to the file to load.
typename TetrahedralSolidInput<dimension>::MissingFiles check_tetrahedral_solid_missing_files(basic_string_view filename)
typename TetrahedralSolidInput<dimension>::MissingFiles check_tetrahedral_solid_missing_files(basic_string_view filename)
bool is_tetrahedral_solid_loadable(basic_string_view filename)
bool is_tetrahedral_solid_loadable(basic_string_view filename)
std::unique_ptr<TriangulatedSurface<dimension> > load_triangulated_surface(const MeshImpl & impl, basic_string_view filename)
std::unique_ptr<TriangulatedSurface<dimension> > load_triangulated_surface(const MeshImpl & impl, basic_string_view filename)
API function for loading an TriangulatedSurface. The adequate loader is called depending on the filename extension.
impl [in] Data structure implementation.
filename [in] Path to the file to load.
std::unique_ptr<TriangulatedSurface<dimension> > load_triangulated_surface(basic_string_view filename)
std::unique_ptr<TriangulatedSurface<dimension> > load_triangulated_surface(basic_string_view filename)
API function for loading an TriangulatedSurface. The adequate loader is called depending on the filename extension. Default data structure implémentation is used.
filename [in] Path to the file to load.
typename TriangulatedSurfaceInput<dimension>::MissingFiles check_triangulated_surface_missing_files(basic_string_view filename)
typename TriangulatedSurfaceInput<dimension>::MissingFiles check_triangulated_surface_missing_files(basic_string_view filename)
bool is_triangulated_surface_loadable(basic_string_view filename)
bool is_triangulated_surface_loadable(basic_string_view filename)
pair segment_segment_intersection_detection(const Segment2D & segment0, const Segment2D & segment1)
pair segment_segment_intersection_detection(const Segment2D & segment0, const Segment2D & segment1)
Detect if there is an intersection between two 2D segments
return the position of the intersection on the two segments. Returns outside-outside if there is no intersection or parallel-pallel if all points are colinear
pair colinear_segment_segment_intersection_detection(const Segment2D & segment0, const Segment2D & segment1)
pair colinear_segment_segment_intersection_detection(const Segment2D & segment0, const Segment2D & segment1)
Detect the configuration between two 2D colinear segments
return the position of the intersection on the two segments. Returns parallel-pallel if there is segment overlap
POSITION segment_line_intersection_detection(const Segment2D & segment, const InfiniteLine2D & line)
POSITION segment_line_intersection_detection(const Segment2D & segment, const InfiniteLine2D & line)
Detect if there is an intersection between a line and a segment
return the position of the intersection on the segment. Returns outside if there is no intersection or all points are colinear
POSITION line_triangle_intersection_detection(const InfiniteLine3D & line, const Triangle3D & triangle)
POSITION line_triangle_intersection_detection(const InfiniteLine3D & line, const Triangle3D & triangle)
Detect if there is an intersection between a line and a triangle
return the position of the intersection on the triangle. Returns outside if there is no intersection or the line is coplanar with the triangle
pair segment_triangle_intersection_detection(const Segment3D & segment, const Triangle3D & triangle)
pair segment_triangle_intersection_detection(const Segment3D & segment, const Triangle3D & triangle)
Detect if there is an intersection between a segment and a triangle
return the position of the intersection on the segment and on the triangle. Returns outside if there is no intersection or the segment is coplanar with the triangle
POSITION segment_plane_intersection_detection(const Segment3D & segment, const Plane & plane)
POSITION segment_plane_intersection_detection(const Segment3D & segment, const Plane & plane)
Detect if there is an intersection between a segment and a plane
return the position of the intersection on the segment. Returns outside if there is no intersection or the segment is coplanar with the plane
void repair_polygon_orientations(SurfaceMesh<dimension> & mesh)
void repair_polygon_orientations(SurfaceMesh<dimension> & mesh)
void repair_polygon_orientations(const SurfaceMesh<dimension> & mesh, SurfaceMeshBuilder<dimension> & builder)
void repair_polygon_orientations(const SurfaceMesh<dimension> & mesh, SurfaceMeshBuilder<dimension> & builder)
std::unique_ptr<EdgedCurve<dimension> > load_edged_curve(const MeshImpl & impl, basic_string_view filename)
std::unique_ptr<EdgedCurve<dimension> > load_edged_curve(const MeshImpl & impl, basic_string_view filename)
API function for loading an EdgedCurve. The adequate loader is called depending on the filename extension.
impl [in] Data structure implementation.
filename [in] Path to the file to load.
std::unique_ptr<EdgedCurve<dimension> > load_edged_curve(basic_string_view filename)
std::unique_ptr<EdgedCurve<dimension> > load_edged_curve(basic_string_view filename)
API function for loading an EdgedCurve. The adequate loader is called depending on the filename extension. Default data structure implémentation is used.
filename [in] Path to the file to load.
typename EdgedCurveInput<dimension>::MissingFiles check_edged_curve_missing_files(basic_string_view filename)
typename EdgedCurveInput<dimension>::MissingFiles check_edged_curve_missing_files(basic_string_view filename)
bool is_edged_curve_loadable(basic_string_view filename)
bool is_edged_curve_loadable(basic_string_view filename)
unique_ptr load_graph(const MeshImpl & impl, basic_string_view filename)
unique_ptr load_graph(const MeshImpl & impl, basic_string_view filename)
API function for loading an Graph. The adequate loader is called depending on the filename extension.
impl [in] Data structure implementation.
filename [in] Path to the file to load.
unique_ptr load_graph(basic_string_view filename)
unique_ptr load_graph(basic_string_view filename)
API function for loading an Graph. The adequate loader is called depending on the filename extension. Default data structure implémentation is used.
filename [in] Path to the file to load.
MissingFiles check_graph_missing_files(basic_string_view filename)
MissingFiles check_graph_missing_files(basic_string_view filename)
void register_model_serialize_pcontext(PContext & context)
void register_model_serialize_pcontext(PContext & context)
Register all the information needed by Bitsery to serialize the objects in the model library.
context [in] The context where to register this information.
warning The context can be used only once per archive.
void register_model_deserialize_pcontext(PContext & context)
void register_model_deserialize_pcontext(PContext & context)
Register all the information needed by Bitsery to deserialize the objects in the model library.
context [in] The context where to register this information.
warning The context can be used only once per archive.
bool is_graph_loadable(basic_string_view filename)
bool is_graph_loadable(basic_string_view filename)
std::unique_ptr<HybridSolid<dimension> > load_hybrid_solid(const MeshImpl & impl, basic_string_view filename)
std::unique_ptr<HybridSolid<dimension> > load_hybrid_solid(const MeshImpl & impl, basic_string_view filename)
API function for loading an HybridSolid. The adequate loader is called depending on the filename extension.
impl [in] Data structure implementation.
filename [in] Path to the file to load.
std::unique_ptr<HybridSolid<dimension> > load_hybrid_solid(basic_string_view filename)
std::unique_ptr<HybridSolid<dimension> > load_hybrid_solid(basic_string_view filename)
API function for loading an HybridSolid. The adequate loader is called depending on the filename extension. Default data structure implémentation is used.
filename [in] Path to the file to load.
typename HybridSolidInput<dimension>::MissingFiles check_hybrid_solid_missing_files(basic_string_view filename)
typename HybridSolidInput<dimension>::MissingFiles check_hybrid_solid_missing_files(basic_string_view filename)
bool is_hybrid_solid_loadable(basic_string_view filename)
bool is_hybrid_solid_loadable(basic_string_view filename)
LightRegularGrid<dimension> load_light_regular_grid(basic_string_view filename)
LightRegularGrid<dimension> load_light_regular_grid(basic_string_view filename)
API function for loading an LightRegularGrid. The adequate loader is called depending on the filename extension.
filename [in] Path to the file to load.
typename LightRegularGridInput<dimension>::MissingFiles check_light_regular_grid_missing_files(basic_string_view filename)
typename LightRegularGridInput<dimension>::MissingFiles check_light_regular_grid_missing_files(basic_string_view filename)
bool is_light_regular_grid_loadable(basic_string_view filename)
bool is_light_regular_grid_loadable(basic_string_view filename)
BRep load_brep(basic_string_view filename)
BRep load_brep(basic_string_view filename)
API function for loading a BoundaryRepresentation. The adequate loader is called depending on the filename extension.
filename [in] Path to the file to load.
return Loaded BRep.
MissingFiles check_brep_missing_files(basic_string_view filename)
MissingFiles check_brep_missing_files(basic_string_view filename)
bool is_brep_loadable(basic_string_view filename)
bool is_brep_loadable(basic_string_view filename)
vector save_brep(const BRep & brep, basic_string_view filename)
vector save_brep(const BRep & brep, basic_string_view filename)
API function for saving a BoundaryRepresentation. The adequate saver is called depending on the given filename extension.
brep [in] BRep to save.
filename [in] Path to the file where save the brep.
bool is_brep_saveable(const BRep & brep, basic_string_view filename)
bool is_brep_saveable(const BRep & brep, basic_string_view filename)
Section load_section(basic_string_view filename)
Section load_section(basic_string_view filename)
API function for loading a Section. The adequate loader is called depending on the filename extension.
filename [in] Path to the file to load.
return Loaded Section.
MissingFiles check_section_missing_files(basic_string_view filename)
MissingFiles check_section_missing_files(basic_string_view filename)
bool is_section_loadable(basic_string_view filename)
bool is_section_loadable(basic_string_view filename)
vector save_section(const Section & section, basic_string_view filename)
vector save_section(const Section & section, basic_string_view filename)
API function for saving a Section. The adequate saver is called depending on the given filename extension.
section [in] Section to save.
filename [in] Path to the file where save the section.
bool is_section_saveable(const Section & section, basic_string_view filename)
bool is_section_saveable(const Section & section, basic_string_view filename)
tuple create_lines_aabb_tree(const BRep & model)
tuple create_lines_aabb_tree(const BRep & model)
tuple create_surfaces_aabb_tree(const BRep & model)
tuple create_surfaces_aabb_tree(const BRep & model)
tuple create_blocks_aabb_tree(const BRep & model)
tuple create_blocks_aabb_tree(const BRep & model)
tuple create_lines_aabb_tree(const Section & model)
tuple create_lines_aabb_tree(const Section & model)
tuple create_surfaces_aabb_tree(const Section & model)
tuple create_surfaces_aabb_tree(const Section & model)
ModelMeshesAABBTree create_line_meshes_aabb_trees(const BRep & model)
ModelMeshesAABBTree create_line_meshes_aabb_trees(const BRep & model)
ModelMeshesAABBTree create_surface_meshes_aabb_trees(const BRep & model)
ModelMeshesAABBTree create_surface_meshes_aabb_trees(const BRep & model)
ModelMeshesAABBTree create_block_meshes_aabb_trees(const BRep & model)
ModelMeshesAABBTree create_block_meshes_aabb_trees(const BRep & model)
ModelMeshesAABBTree create_line_meshes_aabb_trees(const Section & model)
ModelMeshesAABBTree create_line_meshes_aabb_trees(const Section & model)
ModelMeshesAABBTree create_surface_meshes_aabb_trees(const Section & model)
ModelMeshesAABBTree create_surface_meshes_aabb_trees(const Section & model)
AABBTree<dimension> create_aabb_tree(const EdgedCurve<dimension> & mesh)
AABBTree<dimension> create_aabb_tree(const EdgedCurve<dimension> & mesh)
AABBTree<dimension> create_aabb_tree(const SolidMesh<dimension> & mesh)
AABBTree<dimension> create_aabb_tree(const SolidMesh<dimension> & mesh)
AABBTree<dimension> create_aabb_tree(const SurfaceMesh<dimension> & mesh)
AABBTree<dimension> create_aabb_tree(const SurfaceMesh<dimension> & mesh)
array edge_unique_vertices(const Section & section, const Line2D & line, index_t edge)
array edge_unique_vertices(const Section & section, const Line2D & line, index_t edge)
array edge_unique_vertices(const Section & section, const Surface2D & surface, const PolygonEdge & edge)
array edge_unique_vertices(const Section & section, const Surface2D & surface, const PolygonEdge & edge)
array edge_unique_vertices(const BRep & brep, const Line3D & line, index_t edge)
array edge_unique_vertices(const BRep & brep, const Line3D & line, index_t edge)
array edge_unique_vertices(const BRep & brep, const Surface3D & surface, const PolygonEdge & edge)
array edge_unique_vertices(const BRep & brep, const Surface3D & surface, const PolygonEdge & edge)
array edge_unique_vertices(const BRep & brep, const Block3D & block, const PolyhedronFacetEdge & edge)
array edge_unique_vertices(const BRep & brep, const Block3D & block, const PolyhedronFacetEdge & edge)
SectionComponentMeshEdges component_mesh_edges(const Section & section, const std::array<index_t, 2> & edge_unique_vertices)
SectionComponentMeshEdges component_mesh_edges(const Section & section, const std::array<index_t, 2> & edge_unique_vertices)
SectionComponentMeshEdges component_mesh_edges(const Section & section, const Line2D & line, index_t edge)
SectionComponentMeshEdges component_mesh_edges(const Section & section, const Line2D & line, index_t edge)
SectionComponentMeshEdges component_mesh_edges(const Section & section, const Surface2D & surface, const PolygonEdge & edge)
SectionComponentMeshEdges component_mesh_edges(const Section & section, const Surface2D & surface, const PolygonEdge & edge)
BRepComponentMeshEdges component_mesh_edges(const BRep & brep, const std::array<index_t, 2> & edge_unique_vertices)
BRepComponentMeshEdges component_mesh_edges(const BRep & brep, const std::array<index_t, 2> & edge_unique_vertices)
BRepComponentMeshEdges component_mesh_edges(const BRep & brep, const Line3D & line, index_t edge)
BRepComponentMeshEdges component_mesh_edges(const BRep & brep, const Line3D & line, index_t edge)
BRepComponentMeshEdges component_mesh_edges(const BRep & brep, const Surface3D & surface, const PolygonEdge & edge)
BRepComponentMeshEdges component_mesh_edges(const BRep & brep, const Surface3D & surface, const PolygonEdge & edge)
BRepComponentMeshEdges component_mesh_edges(const BRep & brep, const Block3D & block, const PolyhedronFacetEdge & edge)
BRepComponentMeshEdges component_mesh_edges(const BRep & brep, const Block3D & block, const PolyhedronFacetEdge & edge)
ComponentMeshVertexGeneric<dimension> component_mesh_vertex_generic(Span unique_vertices)
ComponentMeshVertexGeneric<dimension> component_mesh_vertex_generic(Span unique_vertices)
ComponentMeshVertexGeneric<dimension> component_mesh_vertex_generic(Span unique_vertices, const ComponentType & type)
ComponentMeshVertexGeneric<dimension> component_mesh_vertex_generic(Span unique_vertices, const ComponentType & type)
flat_hash_map component_mesh_vertex_pairs(Span unique_vertices0, Span unique_vertices1)
flat_hash_map component_mesh_vertex_pairs(Span unique_vertices0, Span unique_vertices1)
flat_hash_map component_mesh_vertex_pairs(Span unique_vertices0, Span unique_vertices1, const ComponentType & type)
flat_hash_map component_mesh_vertex_pairs(Span unique_vertices0, Span unique_vertices1, const ComponentType & type)
flat_hash_map component_mesh_vertex_triplets(Span unique_vertices0, Span unique_vertices1, Span unique_vertices2)
flat_hash_map component_mesh_vertex_triplets(Span unique_vertices0, Span unique_vertices1, Span unique_vertices2)
flat_hash_map component_mesh_vertex_triplets(Span unique_vertices0, Span unique_vertices1, Span unique_vertices2, const ComponentType & type)
flat_hash_map component_mesh_vertex_triplets(Span unique_vertices0, Span unique_vertices1, Span unique_vertices2, const ComponentType & type)
ComponentMeshVertexGeneric<dimension> component_mesh_vertex_tuple(UniqueVertices... unique_vertices)
ComponentMeshVertexGeneric<dimension> component_mesh_vertex_tuple(UniqueVertices... unique_vertices)
ComponentMeshVertexGeneric<dimension> component_mesh_vertex_tuple(UniqueVertices... unique_vertices, const ComponentType & type)
ComponentMeshVertexGeneric<dimension> component_mesh_vertex_tuple(UniqueVertices... unique_vertices, const ComponentType & type)
InlinedVector polygon_unique_vertices(const Section & model, const Surface2D & surface, index_t polygon_id)
InlinedVector polygon_unique_vertices(const Section & model, const Surface2D & surface, index_t polygon_id)
InlinedVector polygon_unique_vertices(const BRep & model, const Surface3D & surface, index_t polygon_id)
InlinedVector polygon_unique_vertices(const BRep & model, const Surface3D & surface, index_t polygon_id)
InlinedVector polygon_unique_vertices(const BRep & model, const Block3D & block, const PolyhedronFacet & facet)
InlinedVector polygon_unique_vertices(const BRep & model, const Block3D & block, const PolyhedronFacet & facet)
SectionComponentMeshPolygons component_mesh_polygons(const Section & section, const PolygonVertices & polygon_unique_vertices)
SectionComponentMeshPolygons component_mesh_polygons(const Section & section, const PolygonVertices & polygon_unique_vertices)
SectionComponentMeshPolygons component_mesh_polygons(const Section & section, const Surface2D & surface, index_t polygon_id)
SectionComponentMeshPolygons component_mesh_polygons(const Section & section, const Surface2D & surface, index_t polygon_id)
BRepComponentMeshPolygons component_mesh_polygons(const BRep & brep, const PolygonVertices & polygon_unique_vertices)
BRepComponentMeshPolygons component_mesh_polygons(const BRep & brep, const PolygonVertices & polygon_unique_vertices)
BRepComponentMeshPolygons component_mesh_polygons(const BRep & brep, const Surface3D & surface, index_t polygon_id)
BRepComponentMeshPolygons component_mesh_polygons(const BRep & brep, const Surface3D & surface, index_t polygon_id)
BRepComponentMeshPolygons component_mesh_polygons(const BRep & brep, const Block3D & block, const PolyhedronFacet & facet)
BRepComponentMeshPolygons component_mesh_polygons(const BRep & brep, const Block3D & block, const PolyhedronFacet & facet)
InlinedVector block_mesh_polyhedra_from_surface_polygon(const BRep & model, const Block3D & block, const Surface3D & surface, index_t polygon_id)
InlinedVector block_mesh_polyhedra_from_surface_polygon(const BRep & model, const Block3D & block, const Surface3D & surface, index_t polygon_id)
InlinedVector block_vertices_from_surface_polygon(const BRep & model, const Block3D & block, const Surface3D & surface, index_t polygon_id)
InlinedVector block_vertices_from_surface_polygon(const BRep & model, const Block3D & block, const Surface3D & surface, index_t polygon_id)
BlockPolyhedraFacetVertices oriented_block_vertices_from_surface_polygon(const BRep & model, const Block3D & block, const Surface3D & surface, index_t polygon_id)
BlockPolyhedraFacetVertices oriented_block_vertices_from_surface_polygon(const BRep & model, const Block3D & block, const Surface3D & surface, index_t polygon_id)
InlinedVector surface_vertices_from_line_edge(const BRep & model, const Surface3D & surface, const Line3D & line, index_t edge_id)
InlinedVector surface_vertices_from_line_edge(const BRep & model, const Surface3D & surface, const Line3D & line, index_t edge_id)
SurfacePolygonsEdgeVertices oriented_surface_vertices_from_line_edge(const BRep & model, const Surface3D & surface, const Line3D & line, index_t edge_id)
SurfacePolygonsEdgeVertices oriented_surface_vertices_from_line_edge(const BRep & model, const Surface3D & surface, const Line3D & line, index_t edge_id)
InlinedVector surface_vertices_from_line_edge(const Section & model, const Surface2D & surface, const Line2D & line, index_t edge_id)
InlinedVector surface_vertices_from_line_edge(const Section & model, const Surface2D & surface, const Line2D & line, index_t edge_id)
SurfacePolygonsEdgeVertices oriented_surface_vertices_from_line_edge(const Section & model, const Surface2D & surface, const Line2D & line, index_t edge_id)
SurfacePolygonsEdgeVertices oriented_surface_vertices_from_line_edge(const Section & model, const Surface2D & surface, const Line2D & line, index_t edge_id)
InlinedVector polyhedron_unique_vertices(const BRep & model, const Block3D & block, index_t polyhedron_id)
InlinedVector polyhedron_unique_vertices(const BRep & model, const Block3D & block, index_t polyhedron_id)
vector component_mesh_polyhedra(const BRep & brep, const PolyhedronVertices & polyhedron_unique_vertices)
vector component_mesh_polyhedra(const BRep & brep, const PolyhedronVertices & polyhedron_unique_vertices)
double block_volume(const BRep & brep, const Block3D & block)
double block_volume(const BRep & brep, const Block3D & block)
BoundingBox block_bounding_box(const BRep & brep, const Block3D & block)
BoundingBox block_bounding_box(const BRep & brep, const Block3D & block)
double surface_area(const Surface<dimension> & surface)
double surface_area(const Surface<dimension> & surface)
tuple convert_brep_into_section(const BRep & brep, index_t axis_to_remove)
tuple convert_brep_into_section(const BRep & brep, index_t axis_to_remove)
tuple convert_section_into_brep(const Section & section, index_t axis_to_add, double axis_coordinate)
tuple convert_section_into_brep(const Section & section, index_t axis_to_add, double axis_coordinate)
BRep extrude_section_to_brep(const Section & section, const SectionExtruderOptions & options)
BRep extrude_section_to_brep(const Section & section, const SectionExtruderOptions & options)
unique_ptr convert_edged_curve3d_into_2d(const EdgedCurve3D & curve3d, index_t axis_to_remove)
unique_ptr convert_edged_curve3d_into_2d(const EdgedCurve3D & curve3d, index_t axis_to_remove)
unique_ptr convert_edged_curve2d_into_3d(const EdgedCurve2D & curve2d, index_t axis_to_add, double axis_coordinate)
unique_ptr convert_edged_curve2d_into_3d(const EdgedCurve2D & curve2d, index_t axis_to_add, double axis_coordinate)
std::unique_ptr<EdgedCurve<dimension> > merge_edged_curves(absl::Span<const std::reference_wrapper<const EdgedCurve<dimension> > > curves)
std::unique_ptr<EdgedCurve<dimension> > merge_edged_curves(absl::Span<const std::reference_wrapper<const EdgedCurve<dimension> > > curves)
unique_ptr convert_point_set3d_into_2d(const PointSet3D & point_set3d, index_t axis_to_remove)
unique_ptr convert_point_set3d_into_2d(const PointSet3D & point_set3d, index_t axis_to_remove)
unique_ptr convert_point_set2d_into_3d(const PointSet2D & point_set2d, index_t axis_to_add, double axis_coordinate)
unique_ptr convert_point_set2d_into_3d(const PointSet2D & point_set2d, index_t axis_to_add, double axis_coordinate)
std::unique_ptr<PolygonalSurface<dimension> > convert_surface_mesh_into_polygonal_surface(const SurfaceMesh<dimension> & surface)
std::unique_ptr<PolygonalSurface<dimension> > convert_surface_mesh_into_polygonal_surface(const SurfaceMesh<dimension> & surface)
std::optional<std::unique_ptr<TriangulatedSurface<dimension> > > convert_surface_mesh_into_triangulated_surface(const SurfaceMesh<dimension> & surface)
std::optional<std::unique_ptr<TriangulatedSurface<dimension> > > convert_surface_mesh_into_triangulated_surface(const SurfaceMesh<dimension> & surface)
std::unique_ptr<TriangulatedSurface2D> convert_grid_into_triangulated_surface(const Grid2D & grid)
std::unique_ptr<TriangulatedSurface2D> convert_grid_into_triangulated_surface(const Grid2D & grid)
std::unique_ptr<TriangulatedSurface2D> convert_grid_into_densified_triangulated_surface(const Grid2D & grid, Span cells_to_densify)
std::unique_ptr<TriangulatedSurface2D> convert_grid_into_densified_triangulated_surface(const Grid2D & grid, Span cells_to_densify)
void triangulate_surface_mesh(SurfaceMesh<dimension> & surface)
void triangulate_surface_mesh(SurfaceMesh<dimension> & surface)
void triangulate_surface_mesh(const SurfaceMesh<dimension> & surface, SurfaceMeshBuilder<dimension> & builder)
void triangulate_surface_mesh(const SurfaceMesh<dimension> & surface, SurfaceMeshBuilder<dimension> & builder)
unique_ptr convert_surface_mesh2d_into_3d(const SurfaceMesh2D & surface2d, index_t axis_to_add, double axis_coordinate)
unique_ptr convert_surface_mesh2d_into_3d(const SurfaceMesh2D & surface2d, index_t axis_to_add, double axis_coordinate)
unique_ptr convert_surface_mesh3d_into_2d(const SurfaceMesh3D & surface3d, index_t axis_to_remove)
unique_ptr convert_surface_mesh3d_into_2d(const SurfaceMesh3D & surface3d, index_t axis_to_remove)
std::unique_ptr<PolygonalSurface3D> convert_polygonal_surface2d_into_3d(const PolygonalSurface2D & surface2d, index_t axis_to_add, double axis_coordinate)
std::unique_ptr<PolygonalSurface3D> convert_polygonal_surface2d_into_3d(const PolygonalSurface2D & surface2d, index_t axis_to_add, double axis_coordinate)
std::unique_ptr<PolygonalSurface2D> convert_polygonal_surface3d_into_2d(const PolygonalSurface3D & surface3d, index_t axis_to_remove)
std::unique_ptr<PolygonalSurface2D> convert_polygonal_surface3d_into_2d(const PolygonalSurface3D & surface3d, index_t axis_to_remove)
std::unique_ptr<TriangulatedSurface3D> convert_triangulated_surface2d_into_3d(const TriangulatedSurface2D & surface2d, index_t axis_to_add, double axis_coordinate)
std::unique_ptr<TriangulatedSurface3D> convert_triangulated_surface2d_into_3d(const TriangulatedSurface2D & surface2d, index_t axis_to_add, double axis_coordinate)
std::unique_ptr<TriangulatedSurface2D> convert_triangulated_surface3d_into_2d(const TriangulatedSurface3D & surface3d, index_t axis_to_remove)
std::unique_ptr<TriangulatedSurface2D> convert_triangulated_surface3d_into_2d(const TriangulatedSurface3D & surface3d, index_t axis_to_remove)
std::unique_ptr<SurfaceMesh<dimension> > merge_surface_meshes(absl::Span<const std::reference_wrapper<const SurfaceMesh<dimension> > > surfaces)
std::unique_ptr<SurfaceMesh<dimension> > merge_surface_meshes(absl::Span<const std::reference_wrapper<const SurfaceMesh<dimension> > > surfaces)
void register_geode_mesh()
void register_geode_mesh()
bool file_exists(basic_string_view file_path)
bool file_exists(basic_string_view file_path)
void check_keyword(std::ifstream & file, basic_string_view keyword)
void check_keyword(std::ifstream & file, basic_string_view keyword)
bool line_starts_with(std::ifstream & file, basic_string_view check)
bool line_starts_with(std::ifstream & file, basic_string_view check)
basic_string goto_keyword(std::ifstream & file, basic_string_view word)
basic_string goto_keyword(std::ifstream & file, basic_string_view word)
basic_string goto_keywords(std::ifstream & file, Span words)
basic_string goto_keywords(std::ifstream & file, Span words)
optional goto_keyword_if_it_exists(std::ifstream & file, basic_string_view word)
optional goto_keyword_if_it_exists(std::ifstream & file, basic_string_view word)
optional next_keyword_if_it_exists(std::ifstream & file, basic_string_view word)
optional next_keyword_if_it_exists(std::ifstream & file, basic_string_view word)
std::vector<std::string_view> string_split(basic_string_view string)
std::vector<std::string_view> string_split(basic_string_view string)
bool string_starts_with(basic_string_view string, basic_string_view check)
bool string_starts_with(basic_string_view string, basic_string_view check)
index_t string_to_index(basic_string_view string)
index_t string_to_index(basic_string_view string)
int string_to_int(basic_string_view string)
int string_to_int(basic_string_view string)
float string_to_float(basic_string_view string)
float string_to_float(basic_string_view string)
double string_to_double(basic_string_view string)
double string_to_double(basic_string_view string)
SIDE tetrahedron_volume_sign(const Tetrahedron & tetra)
SIDE tetrahedron_volume_sign(const Tetrahedron & tetra)
Return the sign of a tetrahedron volume.
SIDE triangle_area_sign(const Triangle2D & triangle)
SIDE triangle_area_sign(const Triangle2D & triangle)
Return the sign of a 2D triangle area.
SIDE triangle_area_sign(const Triangle3D & triangle, local_index_t axis)
SIDE triangle_area_sign(const Triangle3D & triangle, local_index_t axis)
Return the sign of a 3D triangle area aligned on X- Y- or Z-axis.
tuple point_triangle_distance(const Point3D & point, const Triangle3D & triangle)
tuple point_triangle_distance(const Point3D & point, const Triangle3D & triangle)
tuple point_triangle_distance(const Point2D & point, const Triangle2D & triangle)
tuple point_triangle_distance(const Point2D & point, const Triangle2D & triangle)
IntersectionResult line_plane_intersection(const InfiniteLine3D & line, const Plane & plane)
IntersectionResult line_plane_intersection(const InfiniteLine3D & line, const Plane & plane)
Compute the intersection between a plane and an infinite line
return an optional of the intersection.
IntersectionResult<absl::InlinedVector<Point<dimension>, 2> > line_sphere_intersection(const InfiniteLine<dimension> & line, const Sphere<dimension> & sphere)
IntersectionResult<absl::InlinedVector<Point<dimension>, 2> > line_sphere_intersection(const InfiniteLine<dimension> & line, const Sphere<dimension> & sphere)
Compute the intersection(s) between a sphere and an infinite line
return an optional of the intersection points.
IntersectionResult<absl::InlinedVector<Point<dimension>, 2> > segment_sphere_intersection(const Segment<dimension> & segment, const Sphere<dimension> & sphere)
IntersectionResult<absl::InlinedVector<Point<dimension>, 2> > segment_sphere_intersection(const Segment<dimension> & segment, const Sphere<dimension> & sphere)
Compute the intersection(s) between a (n-1)-sphere and a segment in n-dimension space.
return an optional of the intersection points.
IntersectionResult segment_plane_intersection(const Segment3D & segment, const Plane & plane)
IntersectionResult segment_plane_intersection(const Segment3D & segment, const Plane & plane)
Compute the intersection between a plane and a segment
return an optional of the intersection point.
warning if the segment is included in the plane nothing is returned
IntersectionResult segment_triangle_intersection(const Segment3D & segment, const Triangle3D & triangle)
IntersectionResult segment_triangle_intersection(const Segment3D & segment, const Triangle3D & triangle)
Compute the intersection of a segment and a triangle
return an optional of the intersection point.
warning if the segment is included in the triangle plane nothing is returned
IntersectionResult line_triangle_intersection(const InfiniteLine3D & line, const Triangle3D & triangle)
IntersectionResult line_triangle_intersection(const InfiniteLine3D & line, const Triangle3D & triangle)
Compute the intersection of a line and a triangle
return an optional of the intersection point.
warning if the segment is included in the triangle plane nothing is returned
IntersectionResult line_line_intersection(const InfiniteLine2D & line0, const InfiniteLine2D & line1)
IntersectionResult line_line_intersection(const InfiniteLine2D & line0, const InfiniteLine2D & line1)
Compute the intersection between two infinite lines
return an optional of the intersection point.
IntersectionResult segment_segment_intersection(const Segment2D & segment0, const Segment2D & segment1)
IntersectionResult segment_segment_intersection(const Segment2D & segment0, const Segment2D & segment1)
Compute the intersection between two segments
return an optional of the intersection point.
IntersectionResult segment_line_intersection(const Segment2D & segment, const InfiniteLine2D & line)
IntersectionResult segment_line_intersection(const Segment2D & segment, const InfiniteLine2D & line)
Compute the intersection between a segment and an infinite line
return an optional of the intersection point.
IntersectionResult segment_cylinder_intersection(const Segment3D & segment, const Cylinder & cylinder)
IntersectionResult segment_cylinder_intersection(const Segment3D & segment, const Cylinder & cylinder)
Compute the intersection between a segment and a cylinder
return an optional of the intersection points.
IntersectionResult line_cylinder_intersection(const InfiniteLine3D & line, const Cylinder & cylinder)
IntersectionResult line_cylinder_intersection(const InfiniteLine3D & line, const Cylinder & cylinder)
Compute the intersection between a line and a cylinder
return an optional of the intersection points.
IntersectionResult triangle_circle_intersection(const Triangle3D & triangle, const Circle & circle)
IntersectionResult triangle_circle_intersection(const Triangle3D & triangle, const Circle & circle)
Compute the intersection between a triangle and a circle
return an optional of the intersection points.
IntersectionResult plane_circle_intersection(const Plane & plane, const Circle & circle)
IntersectionResult plane_circle_intersection(const Plane & plane, const Circle & circle)
Compute the intersection between a plane and a circle
return an optional of the intersection points.
IntersectionResult plane_plane_intersection(const Plane & plane0, const Plane & plane1)
IntersectionResult plane_plane_intersection(const Plane & plane0, const Plane & plane1)
Compute the intersection between two planes
return an optional of the intersection line.
void register_geode_mesh_input()
void register_geode_mesh_input()
bool is_zip_file(basic_string_view file)
bool is_zip_file(basic_string_view file)
LightRegularGrid<dimension> build_grid_from_bbox_target_length_and_maximum_cell_number(const BoundingBox<dimension> & bbox, double target_cell_length, index_t max_nb_cells)
LightRegularGrid<dimension> build_grid_from_bbox_target_length_and_maximum_cell_number(const BoundingBox<dimension> & bbox, double target_cell_length, index_t max_nb_cells)
optional convert_solid_mesh_into_tetrahedral_solid(const SolidMesh3D & solid)
optional convert_solid_mesh_into_tetrahedral_solid(const SolidMesh3D & solid)
unique_ptr convert_grid_into_tetrahedral_solid(const Grid3D & grid)
unique_ptr convert_grid_into_tetrahedral_solid(const Grid3D & grid)
unique_ptr convert_grid_into_hybrid_solid(const Grid3D & grid)
unique_ptr convert_grid_into_hybrid_solid(const Grid3D & grid)
unique_ptr convert_grid_into_densified_tetrahedral_solid(const Grid3D & grid, Span cells_to_densify)
unique_ptr convert_grid_into_densified_tetrahedral_solid(const Grid3D & grid, Span cells_to_densify)
optional convert_solid_mesh_into_hybrid_solid(const SolidMesh3D & solid)
optional convert_solid_mesh_into_hybrid_solid(const SolidMesh3D & solid)
unique_ptr merge_solid_meshes(Span solids)
unique_ptr merge_solid_meshes(Span solids)
void create_edged_curve_coordinate_system(const EdgedCurve<dimension> & mesh, EdgedCurveBuilder<dimension> & builder, basic_string_view new_coordinate_system_name, const CoordinateSystem2D & input, const CoordinateSystem2D & output)
void create_edged_curve_coordinate_system(const EdgedCurve<dimension> & mesh, EdgedCurveBuilder<dimension> & builder, basic_string_view new_coordinate_system_name, const CoordinateSystem2D & input, const CoordinateSystem2D & output)
void create_point_set_coordinate_system(const PointSet<dimension> & mesh, PointSetBuilder<dimension> & builder, basic_string_view new_coordinate_system_name, const CoordinateSystem2D & input, const CoordinateSystem2D & output)
void create_point_set_coordinate_system(const PointSet<dimension> & mesh, PointSetBuilder<dimension> & builder, basic_string_view new_coordinate_system_name, const CoordinateSystem2D & input, const CoordinateSystem2D & output)
void create_surface_mesh_coordinate_system(const SurfaceMesh<dimension> & mesh, SurfaceMeshBuilder<dimension> & builder, basic_string_view new_coordinate_system_name, const CoordinateSystem2D & input, const CoordinateSystem2D & output)
void create_surface_mesh_coordinate_system(const SurfaceMesh<dimension> & mesh, SurfaceMeshBuilder<dimension> & builder, basic_string_view new_coordinate_system_name, const CoordinateSystem2D & input, const CoordinateSystem2D & output)
void create_solid_mesh_coordinate_system(const SolidMesh<dimension> & mesh, SolidMeshBuilder<dimension> & builder, basic_string_view new_coordinate_system_name, const CoordinateSystem2D & input, const CoordinateSystem2D & output)
void create_solid_mesh_coordinate_system(const SolidMesh<dimension> & mesh, SolidMeshBuilder<dimension> & builder, basic_string_view new_coordinate_system_name, const CoordinateSystem2D & input, const CoordinateSystem2D & output)
std::unique_ptr<PolygonalSurface<dimension> > load_polygonal_surface(const MeshImpl & impl, basic_string_view filename)
std::unique_ptr<PolygonalSurface<dimension> > load_polygonal_surface(const MeshImpl & impl, basic_string_view filename)
API function for loading an PolygonalSurface. The adequate loader is called depending on the filename extension.
impl [in] Data structure implementation.
filename [in] Path to the file to load.
std::unique_ptr<PolygonalSurface<dimension> > load_polygonal_surface(basic_string_view filename)
std::unique_ptr<PolygonalSurface<dimension> > load_polygonal_surface(basic_string_view filename)
API function for loading an PolygonalSurface. The adequate loader is called depending on the filename extension. Default data structure implémentation is used.
filename [in] Path to the file to load.
typename PolygonalSurfaceInput<dimension>::MissingFiles check_polygonal_surface_missing_files(basic_string_view filename)
typename PolygonalSurfaceInput<dimension>::MissingFiles check_polygonal_surface_missing_files(basic_string_view filename)
bool is_polygonal_surface_loadable(basic_string_view filename)
bool is_polygonal_surface_loadable(basic_string_view filename)
std::unique_ptr<PointSet<dimension> > load_point_set(const MeshImpl & impl, basic_string_view filename)
std::unique_ptr<PointSet<dimension> > load_point_set(const MeshImpl & impl, basic_string_view filename)
API function for loading an PointSet. The adequate loader is called depending on the filename extension.
impl [in] Data structure implementation.
filename [in] Path to the file to load.
std::unique_ptr<PointSet<dimension> > load_point_set(basic_string_view filename)
std::unique_ptr<PointSet<dimension> > load_point_set(basic_string_view filename)
API function for loading an PointSet. The adequate loader is called depending on the filename extension. Default data structure implémentation is used.
filename [in] Path to the file to load.
typename PointSetInput<dimension>::MissingFiles check_point_set_missing_files(basic_string_view filename)
typename PointSetInput<dimension>::MissingFiles check_point_set_missing_files(basic_string_view filename)
bool is_point_set_loadable(basic_string_view filename)
bool is_point_set_loadable(basic_string_view filename)
std::unique_ptr<PolyhedralSolid<dimension> > load_polyhedral_solid(const MeshImpl & impl, basic_string_view filename)
std::unique_ptr<PolyhedralSolid<dimension> > load_polyhedral_solid(const MeshImpl & impl, basic_string_view filename)
API function for loading an PolyhedralSolid. The adequate loader is called depending on the filename extension.
impl [in] Data structure implementation.
filename [in] Path to the file to load.
std::unique_ptr<PolyhedralSolid<dimension> > load_polyhedral_solid(basic_string_view filename)
std::unique_ptr<PolyhedralSolid<dimension> > load_polyhedral_solid(basic_string_view filename)
API function for loading an PolyhedralSolid. The adequate loader is called depending on the filename extension. Default data structure implémentation is used.
filename [in] Path to the file to load.
typename PolyhedralSolidInput<dimension>::MissingFiles check_polyhedral_solid_missing_files(basic_string_view filename)
typename PolyhedralSolidInput<dimension>::MissingFiles check_polyhedral_solid_missing_files(basic_string_view filename)
bool is_polyhedral_solid_loadable(basic_string_view filename)
bool is_polyhedral_solid_loadable(basic_string_view filename)
shared_ptr euclidean_distance_transform(const Grid<dimension> & grid, absl::Span<const typename Grid<dimension>::CellIndices> grid_cell_ids, basic_string_view distance_map_name)
shared_ptr euclidean_distance_transform(const Grid<dimension> & grid, absl::Span<const typename Grid<dimension>::CellIndices> grid_cell_ids, basic_string_view distance_map_name)
API function for creating and computing the euclidean distance map from rasterized objects. It computes the exact euclidean distance map.
grid [in] Regular grid on which the euclidean distance map is computed.
grid_cell_ids [in] Rasterization of every objects from which the distance will be computed.
distance_map_name [in] Name of the attribute to store the map on the
exceptionif the attribute named
distance_map_name cannot be accessed.
return the created attribute
basic_string compute_surface_scalar_function_gradient(const SurfaceMesh<dimension> & mesh, basic_string_view scalar_function_name)
basic_string compute_surface_scalar_function_gradient(const SurfaceMesh<dimension> & mesh, basic_string_view scalar_function_name)
basic_string compute_solid_scalar_function_gradient(const SolidMesh3D & mesh, basic_string_view scalar_function_name)
basic_string compute_solid_scalar_function_gradient(const SolidMesh3D & mesh, basic_string_view scalar_function_name)
double hausdorff_distance(const TriangulatedSurface3D & mesh_A, const TriangulatedSurface3D & mesh_B)
double hausdorff_distance(const TriangulatedSurface3D & mesh_A, const TriangulatedSurface3D & mesh_B)
std::vector<typename Grid<dimension>::CellIndices> rasterize_segment(const Grid<dimension> & grid, const Segment<dimension> & segment)
std::vector<typename Grid<dimension>::CellIndices> rasterize_segment(const Grid<dimension> & grid, const Segment<dimension> & segment)
std::vector<typename Grid<dimension>::CellIndices> conservative_rasterize_segment(const Grid<dimension> & grid, const Segment<dimension> & segment)
std::vector<typename Grid<dimension>::CellIndices> conservative_rasterize_segment(const Grid<dimension> & grid, const Segment<dimension> & segment)
std::vector<typename Grid<dimension>::CellIndices> conservative_rasterize_triangle(const Grid<dimension> & grid, const Triangle<dimension> & triangle)
std::vector<typename Grid<dimension>::CellIndices> conservative_rasterize_triangle(const Grid<dimension> & grid, const Triangle<dimension> & triangle)
vector rasterize_tetrahedron(const Grid3D & grid, const Tetrahedron & tetrahedron)
vector rasterize_tetrahedron(const Grid3D & grid, const Tetrahedron & tetrahedron)
vector rasterize_closed_surface(const Grid3D & grid, const TriangulatedSurface3D & closed_surface)
vector rasterize_closed_surface(const Grid3D & grid, const TriangulatedSurface3D & closed_surface)
void convert_surface_mesh(const Section & model, SectionBuilder & builder, const geode::Surface2D & surface, const geode::MeshType & mesh_type)
void convert_surface_mesh(const Section & model, SectionBuilder & builder, const geode::Surface2D & surface, const geode::MeshType & mesh_type)
void convert_surface_mesh(const BRep & model, BRepBuilder & builder, const geode::Surface3D & surface, const geode::MeshType & mesh_type)
void convert_surface_mesh(const BRep & model, BRepBuilder & builder, const geode::Surface3D & surface, const geode::MeshType & mesh_type)
void convert_surface_meshes_into_triangulated_surfaces(const BRep & brep, BRepBuilder & builder)
void convert_surface_meshes_into_triangulated_surfaces(const BRep & brep, BRepBuilder & builder)
void convert_surface_meshes_into_triangulated_surfaces(const Section & section, SectionBuilder & builder)
void convert_surface_meshes_into_triangulated_surfaces(const Section & section, SectionBuilder & builder)
void convert_block_mesh(const BRep & model, BRepBuilder & builder, const Block3D & block, const MeshType & new_mesh_type)
void convert_block_mesh(const BRep & model, BRepBuilder & builder, const Block3D & block, const MeshType & new_mesh_type)
void convert_block_meshes_into_tetrahedral_solids(const BRep & brep, BRepBuilder & builder)
void convert_block_meshes_into_tetrahedral_solids(const BRep & brep, BRepBuilder & builder)
void triangulate_surface_meshes(const BRep & brep, BRepBuilder & builder)
void triangulate_surface_meshes(const BRep & brep, BRepBuilder & builder)
void triangulate_surface_meshes(const Section & section, SectionBuilder & builder)
void triangulate_surface_meshes(const Section & section, SectionBuilder & builder)
void convert_surface_meshes_into_triangulated_surfaces(BRep & brep)
void convert_surface_meshes_into_triangulated_surfaces(BRep & brep)
tuple convert_section_into_curve(const Section & section)
tuple convert_section_into_curve(const Section & section)
tuple convert_section_into_surface(const Section & section)
tuple convert_section_into_surface(const Section & section)
tuple convert_brep_into_curve(const BRep & brep)
tuple convert_brep_into_curve(const BRep & brep)
tuple convert_brep_into_surface(const BRep & brep)
tuple convert_brep_into_surface(const BRep & brep)
tuple convert_brep_into_solid(const BRep & brep)
tuple convert_brep_into_solid(const BRep & brep)
void create_brep_coordinate_system(const BRep & model, BRepBuilder & builder, basic_string_view new_coordinate_system_name, const CoordinateSystem2D & input, const CoordinateSystem2D & output)
void create_brep_coordinate_system(const BRep & model, BRepBuilder & builder, basic_string_view new_coordinate_system_name, const CoordinateSystem2D & input, const CoordinateSystem2D & output)
void create_section_coordinate_system(const Section & model, SectionBuilder & builder, basic_string_view new_coordinate_system_name, const CoordinateSystem2D & input, const CoordinateSystem2D & output)
void create_section_coordinate_system(const Section & model, SectionBuilder & builder, basic_string_view new_coordinate_system_name, const CoordinateSystem2D & input, const CoordinateSystem2D & output)
void set_brep_active_coordinate_system(const BRep & model, BRepBuilder & builder, basic_string_view coordinate_system_name)
void set_brep_active_coordinate_system(const BRep & model, BRepBuilder & builder, basic_string_view coordinate_system_name)
void set_section_active_coordinate_system(const Section & model, SectionBuilder & builder, basic_string_view coordinate_system_name)
void set_section_active_coordinate_system(const Section & model, SectionBuilder & builder, basic_string_view coordinate_system_name)
vector filter_brep_components_with_regards_to_blocks(BRep & brep)
vector filter_brep_components_with_regards_to_blocks(BRep & brep)
vector filter_section_components_with_regards_to_surfaces(Section & section)
vector filter_section_components_with_regards_to_surfaces(Section & section)
FixedArray brep_coordinate_reference_systems(const BRep & brep)
FixedArray brep_coordinate_reference_systems(const BRep & brep)
FixedArray section_coordinate_reference_systems(const Section & section)
FixedArray section_coordinate_reference_systems(const Section & section)
FixedArray brep_active_coordinate_reference_systems(const BRep & brep)
FixedArray brep_active_coordinate_reference_systems(const BRep & brep)
FixedArray section_active_coordinate_reference_systems(const Section & section)
FixedArray section_active_coordinate_reference_systems(const Section & section)
SortedSurfaces surface_radial_sort(const BRep & brep, const Line3D & line)
SortedSurfaces surface_radial_sort(const BRep & brep, const Line3D & line)
flat_hash_map find_intersections_with_boundaries(const InfiniteLine3D & infinite_line, const BRep & brep, const Block3D & block)
flat_hash_map find_intersections_with_boundaries(const InfiniteLine3D & infinite_line, const BRep & brep, const Block3D & block)
bool is_point_inside_block(const BRep & brep, const Block3D & block, const Point3D & point)
bool is_point_inside_block(const BRep & brep, const Block3D & block, const Point3D & point)
bool is_point_inside_closed_surface(const SurfaceMesh3D & surface, const Point3D & point)
bool is_point_inside_closed_surface(const SurfaceMesh3D & surface, const Point3D & point)
optional block_containing_point(const BRep & brep, const Point3D & point)
optional block_containing_point(const BRep & brep, const Point3D & point)
| enum class POSITION |
| outside | | inside | | vertex0 | | vertex1 | | vertex2 | | vertex3 | | edge0 | | edge1 | | edge2 | | edge01 | | edge02 | | edge03 | | edge12 | | edge13 | | edge23 | | facet0 | | facet1 | | facet2 | | facet3 | | parallel |
| enum class SIDE |
| positive | | negative | | zero |
| enum class INTERSECTION_TYPE |
| none | | intersect | | parallel | | incorrect |